time to shuffle up and deal

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    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 924

    I will try and make this a little exciting so here we go. I will deal up 4 hands per round untell everyone gets a hand. I’am surprised that only a few entered but here we go and good luck to the winner.

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 924

    First group and it was ugly.

    Redneck takes the lead with ace king 8 4 2

    Second group fh6002 takes the lead on another ugly set ace king queen ten 6

    group 3 wow stevens got a pair of 4s but stuwart takes the lead with two pair aces and 6s with a 2 kicker

    group 4 3 of the 4 with a pair but someone needs tripsjbd with a pair of 5s

    group 5 jeff with a pair of aces

    group 6 wow mcrew missed a straight needed a ten got 5.jakob got a pair of aces a pair of 2s and a seven kicker

    group 6 here we go wild fan gets two pairs 7s and 5s with a jack

    And the final hand for dave B a pair of kings

    Stuwart is the winner is the winner with two pair aces, 6s and a two kicker.

    Stu shoot me a pm with a phone number and I will give you the details and set a date. remember you have to give a report of how we do. You can bring 2 guest if you would like. Cogradulations to you and thanks for everyone that played. the fishing was spectacular yesterday as I knew it would be as the lake was calm

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