one week into the season

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    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 924

    The fishing has been outstanding . The weather was a little on the damp side this weeekend but it did not stop the fishermen from catching a few. Frank and his crew camping down at the lake had a massive fish fry yesterday with fresh boiled walleye yes boiled walleye with 15 guys down there they have it dialed in on how to feed such a big group. I dropped the ball last night as I’m sure they had a nother fish fry with onion rings,frys and walleye. I guess the age is catching up to me as I fell asleep. I had no one in the cabin ? I guess its going to be one of those years. The guys camping on the river also did well. Tyler put the smack down on some elusive yet still catchable crappies with a group from Kansas. They kept 30 crappies. I plan on hitting that same spot this week and see if I can not get a couple of good pics. If we get into them I plan on keeping 1 or two for supper. Next weekend were busy then I have no fishermen booked the rest of the year ouch

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