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    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 924

    Another opener is in the books. I beleave this was the least boats we have had on opener. With the strong winds I beleave some boats may of even been trailored up from the south side. The economy sure is hurting people.
    The fishing was pretty darn good and I would assume not a boat out there got skunked. Are best fishing came when we strating trolling spinners and they would just smack your minnow. We did not land many fish drifting with jigs but as soon as we started trolling it was game on. Sunday eve they really turned on and any presentation caught fish.
    most had to sort through fish to get there keepers as there were a abundent of 17 to 20 inch fish.
    Jake and Josh each caught one crappie. I saw jeramy and Cole saturday morning when we were headed out on to the lake and they were heading home. There were up a few days before opener and had there 20 crappies. They work extreamly hard for them and would not share any of there secret spots other then they were on the north shore. fishermen will not share information with me as I have a habit of telling people where there biting. The funny part as I have shared spots with them in the past .
    I have my first guide job of the season today and will be spending most of the day on the lake. See if I can remember to bring the camera this time. The river has not been giving up many keepers as most are in the 18 inch range. Phil caught a 37 inch pike off of hilllmens dock yesterday morning.We had two big fish on sunday but with 6 lb line and no leaded they escaped to fight another day

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19009

    We did well too. Trolled to locate fish or just kept trolling and kept catching fish. Sun mid-afternoon we finally anchored for the first time and our two boats next to each other literally caught them as fast as bluegills for a couple hours until it was time to go. This happens every year.

    Elmwood, WI
    Posts: 2254

    How is the south shore doing?

    What FOW did you find the fish at?

    What are the keeper regs??

    Don Miller
    Onamia, MN
    Posts: 378

    With the wind and the cold Saturday we never untied the boat from the dock at Big Bog State Park. My wife and I would fish until our fingers were cold then go back into the trailer to warm up. As mentioned keeper fish were a bit scarce, we caught 14 all day and only 3 were under 17″. I heard a lot of complaints around camp of the lack of eating size fish, one fellow claimed he had caught 10 by mid-morning and all were over 17″. Sunday out on the lake we did very well near the old Kansas City Resort. From 11:30am until 3:00 pm we put 30 in the boat anchored in 7 1/2 fow right on the break line. Slip bobbers and casting jigs with minnows worked well. We had 11 keeper fish in that session. We fished the river Sunday night but did not catch a walleye. A group of 15 next to us came in at dusk with limits. They reported that they had only 5 keepers between them at 5:00 pm but that evening the fish realy turned on out in the lake. Monday we did not do as well as the other two days but we did catch fish.

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 924

    had Jim, Sten and Dustin up yesterday. We started off drifting jigs and proceeded to catch fish all day long. The strange part as it was 3 out of 5 were keepers. We came into westwinds harbor around 1 and had fresh walleye for lunch. The guys came back to the cabin and took a nap for a couple of hours. We then headed back out and came home with 8 more.There headed home this morning with there 4 a piece plus the four I donoted for lunch yesterday. Could not of asked for a better day and got me out of driving the tractor at the farm for the day.

    Somerset, Wisconsin
    Posts: 533

    No issues with leaving with a limit of good eater sized eyes with the bonus crappie

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 924

    I see on rodgers fishing report Kenny has again found the mother load of the elusive yet still catchable crappies here on upper red lake. I have seen where he caught them last year but have not fished that spot personnly.I did drop off more minnows to Keith last year in that area. Greg said it was his spot? I know him and Jeff put the hurt on them 3 years ago in that same spot.There may be room for 4 or 5 boats there at one time depending on the wind
    So who’s spot is it?

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