Looking for update on Rainy River

  • jasonhoerter
    Posts: 37

    Last year was our first trip to the rainy and it was incredible. We plan on leaving next week and fishing April 7th-10th. This warm week of weather will melt quite a bit of snow. Our hotel is booked and I’m wondering if these dates will work or should we wait until the next week.

    Posts: 188

    That would be great to get a Rainy update for next weekend along with if it would be feasible to get a 620 in there by then.

    Champlin, MN
    Posts: 2097

    I think you’ll be in fine shape. I definately wouldn’t wait.

    Posts: 7

    Ramps are open from Birchdale to frontier as of today.

    Northeast MPLS
    Posts: 136

    We were up fishing all day sunday 3/27 and until 2 on Monday. The lake fish hadn’t started showing themselves while we were there, talked to some friends who fished this morning and conditions hadn’t changed.

    Water is very clear with very little current, as of Monday, we caught fish, no big numbers of large fish good numbers of resident fish to be had, mainly 17-19 inch fish with low to mid twenties here or there. I am sure with increased pressure the river fish will get less active yet if one continues to work you should be able to stay on fish throughout the day, sturgeon are always an option as well.

    We were fishing strictly plastics and fairly aggressively, yet did really no better or worse than those using meat and remaining vertical.

    Hopefully once the overnight lows begin to climb we will see an improvement in water temps which can ignite the migrational wave of fish. Daytime highs have been good, but the single digits at night seem to be off setting the warm day temps?

    Warmest water temp we saw was 36F maybe 37f today from what I’ve heard. Very little snow on the ground up there, so runoff not much of a concern now. We just need to get those fish heading up priver so i can quit obsessing about this darn river, it’s driving me crazy!

    Hope this sheds al ight on current status for you, I am bypassing this Sun, Mon for another week unless I here of some significant change the next two days.

    Good luck and have fun.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    We were up fishing all day sunday 3/27 and until 2 on Monday. The lake fish hadn’t started showing themselves while we were there, talked to some friends who fished this morning and conditions hadn’t changed.

    Water is very clear with very little current, as of Monday, we caught fish, no big numbers of large fish good numbers of resident fish to be had, mainly 17-19 inch fish with low to mid twenties here or there. I am sure with increased pressure the river fish will get less active yet if one continues to work you should be able to stay on fish throughout the day, sturgeon are always an option as well.

    We were fishing strictly plastics and fairly aggressively, yet did really no better or worse than those using meat and remaining vertical.

    Hopefully once the overnight lows begin to climb we will see an improvement in water temps which can ignite the migrational wave of fish. Daytime highs have been good, but the single digits at night seem to be off setting the warm day temps?

    Warmest water temp we saw was 36F maybe 37f today from what I’ve heard. Very little snow on the ground up there, so runoff not much of a concern now. We just need to get those fish heading up priver so i can quit obsessing about this darn river, it’s driving me crazy!

    Hope this sheds al ight on current status for you, I am bypassing this Sun, Mon for another week unless I here of some significant change the next two days.

    Good luck and have fun.

    What a fantastic first post!

    Calvin Svihel
    Northwest Metro, MN
    Posts: 3862


    We were up fishing all day sunday 3/27 and until 2 on Monday. The lake fish hadn’t started showing themselves while we were there, talked to some friends who fished this morning and conditions hadn’t changed.

    Water is very clear with very little current, as of Monday, we caught fish, no big numbers of large fish good numbers of resident fish to be had, mainly 17-19 inch fish with low to mid twenties here or there. I am sure with increased pressure the river fish will get less active yet if one continues to work you should be able to stay on fish throughout the day, sturgeon are always an option as well.

    We were fishing strictly plastics and fairly aggressively, yet did really no better or worse than those using meat and remaining vertical.

    Hopefully once the overnight lows begin to climb we will see an improvement in water temps which can ignite the migrational wave of fish. Daytime highs have been good, but the single digits at night seem to be off setting the warm day temps?

    Warmest water temp we saw was 36F maybe 37f today from what I’ve heard. Very little snow on the ground up there, so runoff not much of a concern now. We just need to get those fish heading up priver so i can quit obsessing about this darn river, it’s driving me crazy!

    Hope this sheds al ight on current status for you, I am bypassing this Sun, Mon for another week unless I here of some significant change the next two days.

    Good luck and have fun.

    Wow….Amazing river report. Thanks. We are leaving on Weds staying until sunday.

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