12-19-10 LOW Ice Fishing Report Video

  • wigwam
    Lake of the Woods, MN
    Posts: 504

    This past weekend of fishing wasn’t stellar by any means, but we still caught fish and it was better than last weekend. One thing I will bring up right away this morning is, if you’re fishing on your own, fish the contour lines, humps and dips out in the bowl, that’s were the fish will be traveling. If you don’t know where they’re at, get a GPS system with a Lake Master Chip for Lake of the Woods. I know that some people make it sound so easy, but you have to work for them, just like anything else. The majority of fish that were caught this weekend were in Lighthouse Gap in 26 – 30 feet of water. I did talk to a few guys that stayed at the resort that said they lined up on the US/Canadian line and drilled holes, but there was only one guy catching fish, and it was one right after the other. When that happens, don’t watch him, drill a hole and help him out, because you’ve just found the fish. It was a matter of 50 feet from the bite, to a none existent bite, and some days that’s all that it takes. The weather should be stable as we move into the Christmas holiday season, which should get the fish biting. It’s only a matter of time before they turn on, so don’t miss out when it happens. The last thing I’ll say today is, “that’s why they call it fishing, not catching”…God Bless and Merry Christmas!

    12-19-10 LOW Ice Fishing Report Video

    Happy Fishing to all, and to all a good day!

    Wigwam Fisherman

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