LOW Report Wed, 6.16

  • Labvolt
    Posts: 30

    Thurs, 6.17pm.

    I took my dad out of Long Point on Wednesday, 6.16. Amazing weather, near calm all day. We boated up to Garden Island, pulled hammered gold spinners and used a number of different colored 1/4oz jigs. We used frozen shiners, live rainbows, live fatheads and live shiners. The type of bait did not seem to make a difference. My dad’s two big ones (27″ W and 40″ NP, picts below) both came on jigs. We fished from 24 to 12 f.o.w., slow troll. Attempted some still fishing, but it was not productive. The fish were on and off the edge of structure.

    Ended up with 8 very nice take-home fish along with a couple of saugers. Threw back at least 12 fish over the 19.5″-keeper-size.

    Wind and weather set-in today (Thursday) and will probably keep most people away from the area for a couple days….
    Pick a safe-travel day (or a huge boat) when you make your own trip out to the island.


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