Tip-ups in March

  • Willy Wonka
    Forest Lake, Mn.
    Posts: 161

    I am planning on coming to Lake of the woods with my wife and Sister-in-law about the third week in March (work schedule) for tip-up fishing northern. I am planning on going out of Zipple bay, and just staying on the lake in my wheelhouse. I have never been up there for late season monsters. I have Artic Fisherman tip ups, 30 pound test line, Bigtooth tackle quick strike rigs, and smelt and Cisco for bait. We strictly do catch and release and have all the tools needed to do so.

    Does anyone have any tips or comments to get us started on the big lake? Thanks for any and all replies!


    Western Wisconsin
    Posts: 228

    I personally prefer 6-10″ sucker minnows over dead bait. However, the Beaver Dams seem to trip a lot with bait that size.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13888


    I personally prefer 6-10″ sucker minnows over dead bait. However, the Beaver Dams seem to trip a lot with bait that size.

    Tip on the beaver dams – cut a small peice of surgical tubing and roll it onto the “T” to create a deeper groove for the flag wire to rest in. I do this when using bluegills for bait.

    Western Wisconsin
    Posts: 228

    Ahh that seems to be a good idea. I figured out a beer can (or pop can) set on the wood under the flag will increase pressure on the t too.

    Zipple Bay: just set up in 8-12 feet and you should get great pike action. Set he house in 15 feet or more and you will get some eyes early and late in the day too

    Willy Wonka
    Forest Lake, Mn.
    Posts: 161

    Anything going on with the northerns yet? Looks like it will still be a couple of weeks before I can make it up to Zipple for tip up fishing. You think that will be to late?


    Western Wisconsin
    Posts: 228

    There going good out on the east end by the river. Guest pulled a 41″ this morning. I was out on the west end of the lake on Wednesday and it was slow, but some pike were moving. Did get one at 40.5″. With the nice weather it should be rolling soon. Typically the second week in March they get going good.

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