Pine Is. and Zippel Report- 12-22/23

  • mark-bruzek
    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3903

    Four Mile Bay– Upon getting bait we learned that this years run or shiners is very small in size when compared to years past, didnt seem to matter we just used multiple heads and the “scoop” actually gives more heads than with the larger shiners… so all is well that ends well right.
    Adrian’s is not allowing full size truck access yet, Maybe Christmas, so call ahead. We found between 10″ of ice towards Morris Gap and 17″ towards Lighthouse Gap.
    We started infront of the old standby, “The Lone Pine” in 24′. We spent a few hours there and then poped around in different depths from 24′-28′. Marking absolutley nothing in 28′ (big suprise).
    About 3:00 we went back to the Pine and set up in 20′ for the eve bite in hopes the eyes would slide up to the shallower waters fot night. It would prove that our decision was a good one as we had a pretty good flury of activity at dusk icing about 8 Nice eyes from 18″-22″. All evening fish were on deadsticks. Gold Gemini with a fatty seemed to do the best.
    For us there really didnt seem to be one go-to color for our spoons, we caught fish on just about everything tippd with Shiner heads. But I tried to Stick with the common Pink, gold and silver with my buddy getting a bit more exotic in his color selections.
    For the evening we got a cabin and Wheelers point as they have mid week rates of $34 pp. We took some of our catch to the Wigwam where they fried them up with fries for a most delicious combination. Fish and fries is $7 pp and is my personal favorite, along with a couple of beers it is a meal that cant be beat.
    Zippel Bay— Prior to leaving I called a few resorts to get the ice report and Zippel was allowing Trucks as of Monday so we decided to be lazy and drive on over rather than ride. We pulled up in 24′ and had planned to just stay put the entire day. As it turns out it would be easy to stick with that decision as we had good action all day icing a guestimated 60 fish, most being 8″ Sauger. Throught out the day we had good bites on both our dead sticks and spoons. Spoons got the #’s but dead sticks got the size. I stuck with gold Gemini and a fatty on the dead stick and BT had on gold Hawger. Gemini prevailed.
    Also I primarily stuck with a gold Doodle Bug with shiner heads and BT played misical spoons all day. Doodle bug prevailed.
    We did experience a mid day lull for an hour or two but other than that it was a much productive day for us. Taking 8 eyes and 6 sauger along with 2 jumbo perch home for the fryer.

    Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403

    Sweet I Glad you guys got on ’em up there AWESOME

    go-fish metro
    Posts: 119

    Thanks for the report,i’m heading up(zipple bay) on sunday for 2 days of fishing. I’ll let ya know how we did.

    Western Wisconsin
    Posts: 228

    Nice work! That evening shallow bite can awesome!

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