Deepwater Bay

  • daryle
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 48

    43 degree surface temp and walleyes in 32 feet prespawn. Biting good, but unusual. Weather today is wonderful, makes up for the awful conditions the last couple of days.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Where’s deepwater bay on Lake of the Woods? I’m assuming you’re way up in the Ontario portion of LOTW… but I could be wrong.

    Thanks for the report. Pre-spawn fish 3rd week in May gets my attention.

    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 48

    James, Deepwater is just south of the tug channel, south of the big island named “Falcon”. It is in Ontario, but not more than a mile or two from MN, just East of Oak Island in the Angle. We are headed out to give it another try this afternoon – we have been busy working in the garage. More later.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    I’m not familiar with that area… or at least much less so than I am points further south. Keep the info coming! I’d love to learn more.

    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 48

    James, It is a wonderful area – basically where the islands start on he West side of the Lake. LOW is no longer an ocean here! I love Deepwater bay and points North up the Tug Channel – all the way around Falcon Island (likely 100 miles of shoreline). Yesterday we tried fishing 32 FOW South of Mica Point, but the Walleyes had moved. We found them finally spawning in 15 FOW on the South Shore of Birch Island in the gravel. The biggest one I hooked didn’t fit into our net so all I got was a great look at her lying next to the boat. The temperature was very cold – it sleeted a bit – and the wind was strong out of the East – 25 MPH. Then we tried in MN on the South side of Soldier’s Point on Oak Island – we got a few bites, but no fish there. Here is a photo of one of the ones we did get in the net. Daryle

    Wahkon, Mn
    Posts: 274

    Daryle, we are staying at Meads Spruce Island this weekend for our annual trip. I I know what you mean by a great area.

    What has been your bait of choice? We normally run bottom bouncers and crawlers, but with the late spawn wondering if I should change tactics.

    Thanks for any help

    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 48

    Mike, We were fishing on the West end of Deepwater. Found spawning fish and some pre-spawn fish from 35 fow to 12 fow. A few females and many males in the 15″ class. Since I fish jigs (it is a style I enjoy the most) so of course I use minnows. Fresh minnows outfished Gulp Alive at least 3 to 1. In deeper water we were vertical jigging, in the shallower water we were fishing slow drifts and trolling slow. I love the fishing around Spruce Island and I stop at the resort often (we are based out of a private cabin on Oak Island). I enjoy fishing the shore just West of the resort. If you are coming in two days, bring very warm clothes and plan on fish being in or just after spawn. Water temp today in Deepwater was 45 degrees. Good luck. Daryle

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Thanks for the info. It sounds like a cool area to fish. I would imagine there’s some good muskie fishing to be had later in the summer in that area as well??

    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 48

    Definitely! For that start in Johnson Passage on Noth side of Falcon Island.

    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 48

    OK – today – 2 PBs a 27.5 inch for a young lady and a 28 inch for my fishing buddy – Bentrod – both in around 15 FOW – same places as before – south of Mica Pont around the south edge of Birch Island. WOW! And several others in the 23 to 25 inch range – and several nice smallies as bonus – and one 12 pound Northern. Boy do I love deepwater! Even though it was very cold and strong West wind, we found them and caught them on jigs and minnows. We also enjoyed – osprey, bald eagles, golden eagles, turkey vultures, pelicans, gulls, geese, ducks, drumming partridges, and of course those white throated sparrows!

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    Do you live up there during the open water season or are you on a loooooong vacation? Either way you’re living the life right now.

    Thanks again for the updates.

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