We broke are camera so no picks for a while. Fish has been good ,had a nine bucket day today at the resort. i fish the shallows because i work during the day, so i dont get out tell later in the day . we have lots of nice roads plowed outalready. the fish is always so hot in early december,sure hope every one can get up this month.I talked to a friend tonight who is fishing out in front of pine in 30 ft. of water he said it was slow yesterday only two fish. tThere seems to be enough snow for banking this year,sure better the last year also a friend was over to spring steal and said not many people are drivind on the ice yet but they are normaly a week behind not sure why. It has been plenty cold up here with weather in the low -20s. Sounds like warm weather for the weekend so it should be a good weekend to do a lot of movingmoving around.
December 17, 2007 at 4:07 am