Sturgeon Bite?

  • fearnofish82
    Posts: 387

    Will the sturgeon still be actively feeding through next weekend, or do they start slowing down soon? Don’t know a whole lot about when they actually spawn and their habits. The catch and release season starts up again and runs through the 15th and then closes totaly through june i believe. I got the itch again in case u can’t tell. I don’t know how im gonna make it until next spring. Might have to give the st. croix a try sometime maybe. Any info at all would be appreciated.

    Thinking about heading back up for a day when we go to Red for the eye opener.


    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59992

    There’s a good sturgeon bite through out the year. Of course when they all have the urge to head into the river for thier thing…as it is now…it’s better.

    I’ll be able to tell you better how the bite is after this weekend. When James asked me to go back up, my mouth said YES! before I could even think about it!

    Here’s the St Croix dates…(I can’t wait that long!)


    LAKE STURGEON Closed (except as noted below)
    Lake sturgeon may be harvested September 1 through October 15 on the
    St. Croix River from Taylors Falls Dam downstream to the mouth at Prescott, Wisconsin. The
    possession limit is one per season and the minimum size limit is 50″. The season is closed
    on all other waters except those along the Ontario-Minnesota border. (see pages 47-48.)
    *Sturgeon tag needed, see page 52 for details.

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