let’s get the rainy river talk going

  • micah-witham
    Posts: 604

    Curious as to who is going up this year…thinking about starting an annual tradition myself but would love to hear more information from those of you who have gone. What’s the time frame? Who’s the best resource on condition of river? Best places to stay, launch, eat, buy supplies from. What is the best way to fish it, plastics, live bait, cranks. And of course if anyone wants to PM GPS coordinates, i would be fine with that as well.

    Posts: 114

    What a great subject. I love the rainy. Best time usually when the water is clear, before the other rivers open up too much and bring in all the silt and make the river muddy. I usually go the last week or the second last week of the season, but really depends on the weather. I try to stop at the bait shop called Lucky’s, good supply of minnows, honest advice, and a down to earth owner. My largest walleye came 2 years ago, 31″ length, 17″ girth, I estimate at 10-11 lbs. What a great time.

    Posts: 604

    Does anyone have a link to a good map that’s a pdf. I once found this site that had truckloads of good maps of rivers I fish, but I never bothered to download the Rainy and then I didn’t bookmark it!

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13406

    I havent tried this bite out yet either but want to. Found a report about last year that said the 1st boat in where around the 15th of march if I remember right.

    Battle Lake, MN
    Posts: 977

    Get there as soon as you can get your boat in!! Clear water is the key. Once the Little Fork & Big Fork rivers open, or they release a lot of water from I-Falls, forget it. Seems like it takes forever to clear up again after those things let loose and then you may miss the bite completely.

    Watch the reports. The best info. I have found in regards to river conditions is the Clememtson Resort website. Seems they tell it how it is, good or bad, which is nice for those of us that have to drive a few hours. Boat landings you can use in order they open up are Birchdale (28 miles from Baudette), Frontier, then Vidas(6 miles from Baudette). The more that are open the better, but either way, be prepared to wait upwards of an hour to get in and out. There is usually quite a bit of comedy at the landings as well as it is the first outing of the season for most, if you know what I mean.

    As in most cases, if you can get away from the crowds, do it. We usually do best vertical jigging while slipping the current, using as light a jig as possible. If the fish are snappin’, color will not matter at all and the bigger the minnow the better.

    A few motels in Baudette and many resorts on the Rainy to stay at. Call early cause they do book fast.

    FYI – just in case the water turns to chocolate milk, bring your ice auger and go fish the lake. Have seen a few guys do that before as well. Good luck.

    Rainy Lake, MN
    Posts: 394

    Last year was an early spring up here – second earliest ice out ever on Rainy lake. We also had at least average moisture conditions and snow depth.
    This year is very different. We were out to Birchdale last Sat. – there’s 40″ of solid ice, and besides not having much snow, the Rainy river and it’s tribs are already very low from a dry summer and fall last year. At this point it’s hard to visualize any open water by Mar. 15.
    I don’t know how often I’ll get to check the river but will post updates as I do.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13406

    Cool. Keep us posted Pete.

    Posts: 604

    pete, thanks a million, any information will be very helpful to us guys who are 6 hours away and trying to time it right.

    dodge co., mn
    Posts: 61

    headin up there last weekend in march, hope it’s to late by then

    Posts: 604

    I just got off the phone with a guy at Clementson’s resort and he said it’s still pretty thick up by them, but further down the river it’s starting to open up. He thought the better part of a week before it’s open all the way up to them. Hope to make it up the 25-28 or the 28-31 depending on the bite, the ice, and the weather.

    Posts: 285

    Here is my best advise,go early with a small boat.If you hit em right you will hammer em no matter what you fish with!If you go too late,bring your sturgeon rigs to save your trip!See ya on the river.

    dodge co., mn
    Posts: 61

    if you go up the 28-31 let me or dwoody know and maybe we can hookup

    Jason Sullivan
    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 1383

    I hope to have the boat wet on the 23rd. It’s open at Indus.

    Only about 20 miles left till Birchdale.


    Sartell Eye Guy
    Sartell, MN
    Posts: 624

    Remember if you fish “the other side” of the river you’ll need a Canadian license also. They can get pretty picky some times.

    Calvin Svihel
    Northwest Metro, MN
    Posts: 3862

    also the Remote Border Pass!!!!!

    southern minnesota
    Posts: 182

    I am pretty sure that you need a passport now, check me if I am wrong but didn’t that just change?

    Posts: 6

    Hey mini and d-woody when are we going up i thought it was 30-01 let me know.

    Posts: 604

    Could some of you veterans of the Rainy River extravaganza highlight for clarification the necessary items regarding licenses, passports, etc. I know we need an 07 MN license but beyond that, what are the options and implications. What is the minimum required and what does that afford a person? What is the maximum possible (that you can purchase) and what does that gain a person?

    Think I’ll be heading up either the 25-28 or the 28-31 depending on the ice out progress. Also, we’ll be camping and bringing some heaters for the tents…what is the best camping site and what is the best launch to go out of?

    Posts: 285

    Mini must be drinkin again you are right B.O.B,unless mini is going before us

    Posts: 285

    Could be tough camping this time of year,you never know what could blow off that lake.I’m not sure if any campgrounds are open yet.As far as border crossings go, I personally have found no need to put up with the hassle.I’m sure someone will let you know what you need to have.

    Jason Sullivan
    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 1383

    If you stay on the MN side you eliminate a lot of hassle with the Ontario laws. Your MN license is all you need.

    If you do want to launch on the MN side and go over the border, you will need a remote border crossing. Also, make sure you don’t have live bait purchased in MN, those are illegal to bring across the border. You will need an Ontario license and if you keep any fish, realize the slot is different across the border.

    I see most folks camping at the Birchdale landing.

    The best landing? In what regard?


    Sartell Eye Guy
    Sartell, MN
    Posts: 624

    The best part of camping at the Birchdale access and campground……It’s FREE!!

    Champlin, Mn
    Posts: 2128


    With the river in its current condition up there. I think during your timeframe that you have posted, the Birchdale ramp will be the one you want to look at launching out of! IMO that one will have the best scenario of opening by then. The temps in the teens yesterday did not do the river any favors, but the temps coming for the weekend look promising. As of this morning the river has not met the rapids yet.

    Calvin Svihel
    Northwest Metro, MN
    Posts: 3862

    Its going to open up fast!!!!I wouldn’t be suprised if boats are going over the shoreice by this weekend!!!

    IF the weatherman is right!!! IF…..

    Posts: 507

    Yep, Only about 20 miles till Birchdale opens, but with the right conditions, there should be no trouble with the river opening 2-3 miles in a day!!!

    I’m getting the boat out and ready this weekend, got water pump kit for outboard, new RAM mount for sonar, new transom saver, new net big enough for SUMO EYES, what seems like a suitcase of plastics!!!!, new radials for the trailer, and Cabelas is only 5 miles away in case I need something else!!! I’m hoping to go 30 and 31 Ice and bite permitting.

    I cant wait, come-on SUNSHINE and WIND,

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