Get there as soon as you can get your boat in!! Clear water is the key. Once the Little Fork & Big Fork rivers open, or they release a lot of water from I-Falls, forget it. Seems like it takes forever to clear up again after those things let loose and then you may miss the bite completely.
Watch the reports. The best info. I have found in regards to river conditions is the Clememtson Resort website. Seems they tell it how it is, good or bad, which is nice for those of us that have to drive a few hours. Boat landings you can use in order they open up are Birchdale (28 miles from Baudette), Frontier, then Vidas(6 miles from Baudette). The more that are open the better, but either way, be prepared to wait upwards of an hour to get in and out. There is usually quite a bit of comedy at the landings as well as it is the first outing of the season for most, if you know what I mean.
As in most cases, if you can get away from the crowds, do it. We usually do best vertical jigging while slipping the current, using as light a jig as possible. If the fish are snappin’, color will not matter at all and the bigger the minnow the better.
A few motels in Baudette and many resorts on the Rainy to stay at. Call early cause they do book fast.
FYI – just in case the water turns to chocolate milk, bring your ice auger and go fish the lake. Have seen a few guys do that before as well. Good luck.