Just wanted to post a quick report! Got out on the lake on friday about 2pm till 6 when the wind kicked up. Right now lake of the woods is very healthy with alot of great year classes as well as pleanty of trophie opportunities. Went out on traverse bay a work our leadcore trolling programe and the bite was on from the start. In 6 hrs of fishin we got 47 walleyes with 2-29s,2-28s,5-6 between 25&27 and the big fish of the trip was a monster that pushed the tape to 31.25. If you guys have a chance get out and give this body of water a shot you wont be disappointed. best of luck and God bless, cdemeyes!!! Im tryin to post pictures but cannot, If someone can do it I’ll e-mail the to ya so you can post them!!
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » Minnesota Lakes & Rivers » Lake of the Woods (LOTW) & Rainy River » LOTW 07-07-06
LOTW 07-07-06
July 11, 2006 at 5:47 am #459435
31.25!!!!! Yikes! Oh…your talking about sturgeon…
Click on my Briank and then my email address…shoot me the pitures along with your phone number and I’ll walk you through the picture posting process…it’s easy once you do it.
I didn’t think eye’s came in that size!
July 11, 2006 at 3:52 pm #459542Dang………this is the 2nd summer I’m going to miss up there due to the new family……..
I sure do miss that big water and those big walleyes!!!!!!!
Thanks for the report!
July 12, 2006 at 2:28 am #459827Not that I’m going to try to rub it in Gary…but my favorite wife has vacation next week….
So when you look at these pics from cdemeyes, just imagine my face holding them….
(Honey? Did you pack the sun block??)
Awesome pics cdemeyes!
July 12, 2006 at 2:36 am #459830cdemeyes, I’ve sent an email to you explaining what I did to these photo’s to post them.
I have a couple questions.
With a planer board…when the flag is up…doesn’t that mean you have a bite…if that’s the case…you have a fish on bud!
Guess it’s hard to see the planer board in this pick…trust me…the flag is up!
July 12, 2006 at 2:40 am #459834What’s the rest of the story? Bait? Depth? Rods on the right more active than on the left???? MORE details! Please!
Dang…if they would have whiskers they would be cute!
July 12, 2006 at 3:26 am #459844Brian,
Thanks for postin the pictures!! As far as the rest of the story, I pull leadcore on LOTW! I run A thirty foot leader of 10# test fireline then I splice in 3 colors of leadcore with mono backing. I use line counter reels and Im typically between 120 and 150 ft of line out from the start of the lead. It all depends on what style cranks I’m runnin.My best baits are the reef runner little rippers. As far as which side it’s funny that you ask because I’ve been watchin to see if there was a preferance when I was makin turns and such! And I have found that when I keep the baits and boards runnin straight ahead I do the best. Which is strange because on alot of waters ( like lake erie) the fish show a preference. But not so much up here, I dont know if the lead would make a difference or what!! It is straight ahead at about 1.7 to 1.9 mph.
July 12, 2006 at 1:32 pm #459942Welcome aboard to IDA
You have my attention.
Man those are some beauty fish. I was suppose to make it up there possibly with Wellman from above post this year. Gall Darn it Gary
We are in Like Flynn Next year.
Congrat on some beauties!
July 12, 2006 at 10:00 pm #460134Lip ripper,
Hey I read your post all the time, nice to meet ya!Yeah lake of the woods is pretty amazing lake. Other than Erie I’v caught more walleyes over 28in out of here and they’re still there cause I cpr them my friend. I’ll be there a few more times this summer so if you want to network let me know. Best of luck and god bless!!July 13, 2006 at 12:59 am #460177Cdemeyes;
Are you doing pure open water fishing, marking schools of fish, or are you doing this trolling in relation to the big reefs out there?Awesome pics by the way!
July 13, 2006 at 1:21 am #460189Gary,
No it is complete open water fishing! Earlier in june I started closer to 16 mile reef Figuring on the natural progression from the south shore to the to the open water and the reefs out in the basin. but the last couple weeks they have been far from any structure and just like you said relating to bait. Honestly Gary everywhere I go this season there is fish out there, it is just finding the bigger fish that takes a little moving around!! There is a enormous year class of walleyes from 14-16in right now that almost get anoying, You could honestly limit 3 people out in a hour most days.My approach is to grid the lake with my trolling passes, I initally set up when I see all the indicators of active fish ( bait& walleyes on sonar. From that point I make passes till I make contact with the right fish, moving a little in a givin direction dictated by wind and waves until those bigger fish are located.I’ll be up there a few more times and I keep ya updated as the season progresses. Like I told “ripper” If you ever want to go you can hop in if there is a seat open or pull your rig and we’ll network, I’m always lookin for people who love and respect this sport and this fish. Best of luck and God bless boys I’ll keep ya posted.
July 13, 2006 at 3:25 am #460228Well Gosh Darn it cdemeyes…you did it!
Showed my favorite wife the pics…AND told her the sturgeon season is on….
Booked Monday and Tuesday next week!
Thanks for the post in more ways that one!
July 13, 2006 at 3:37 am #460235From another thread…
We’ll even cut you a deal on lodging just to get the boss out of the office of a while. $25.00 per night per person. How’s that?
Hope to see you on the water!
Wigwam Resort – Located on Lake of the Woods near Baudette, MN
Cathy – Wigwam Resort Manager
Ph. 1.800.448.9260
July 13, 2006 at 4:21 am #460240Briank,
You lucky dog! You should do well the really goin! Cant wait to hear the report.July 13, 2006 at 2:13 pm #460306Cdemeyes- As Lip Ripper said, you have my attention too! WOW nice fish. Welcome to IDA. I have a feeling we are all going to learn a ton of stuff from you if you are willing to share. As a guy that does not yet own a boat I would be more than willing to fill an open seat in your boat any day. Don’t worry I don’t take up much room with my small
. Thanks again. Look forward to many more posta and pics. Love2Fish.
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