For all you Lake of the Woods anglers… we’re thrilled to announce the addition of a new site sponsor!
Flag Island Resort – located on the NW Angle.
Flag Island runs a year-round establishment – they’ll be reporting on open water and ice fishing progress in their area. If you haven’t checked out their website, please take the time to do so. In my opinion they offer some of the nicest cabins to be found on LOTW and the rates are exceptionally reasonable. Some might even say “priced for a group of guys but nice enough for the wife and kids” should you want to do a family fishing trip.
Please help us welcome Flag Island Resort. With the world class fishing opportunities in that area all of us that have been to LOTW or would like to go for the first time will greatly benefit from their willingness to share their knowledge of the area!
For more info on Flag Island Resort and the accomodations they offer, click on the Flag Island banner located top-right in this forum.