Any reports?

  • gary_wellman
    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    Anyone do the fall Rainy river run????

    I missed out this year. Sure do miss that shinner run!!!!!!

    Anyone catch any tunas????

    Stoddard WI
    Posts: 73

    yes the run was awsome. my wife fished me two to one,but it was still ablast. most of our fishing was the bottle neck and below morris point beleave it or not ice houuse on ice in baudett the took it out there on a snowmobile annie and i are going out this sunday.oya got two big stugeons biggest was 52 inches on 4 lb test line what blast. we are very new to this area 6 mo but are starting to fell like locals the people are very friendly up here.all form know will send results back mon or tues.johnnie

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