hi Steve,
that was about my 4th or 5th trip up there. All of my trips have been in late Sep or early to mid Oct. have never been up there early season. Roger who organized this trip goes up at least in June and again for our Fall trip each year. you will meet him in Nov and has been up there many years, he introduced it to me. Our trip out, and also for the 4 days up there was 25-35 mph winds, which made getting to Spruce Is. miserable. we had three boats and six guys, and my seat in my partner’s boat was the only one not behind a windshield. even my quide wear water proof suit, did soak thru a little. I have made trips out to Spruce in flat water, and that run is quite easy. We wanted to fish mainly smallies, but the strong winds all three days kept us off the main lake humps we hoped to fish. we got on a couple, but with the frontal conditions and winds made boat control very difficult. my partner PaulV did an excellent job in those conditions. I like going to Spruce Is. the accom. are a little rustic, but very comfortable and clean enough for us fisher guys to be no problem. we ate in the lodge for three dinners, and it was excellent. I look forward to it each Fall. The area around there is quite remote, and this time of year, we just do not see very many boats during a full day on the water. the fish are just not pounded, maybe Spring maybe more so, but not when we are up there. more soon. thanks for the reply.