LOW 10-4 ,10-5

  • jeff_huberty
    Posts: 4941

    I spent two days up at LOW with a group of 8 co-workers, we chartered out of the Was-wam resort.
    With the heavy rain and winds gusting out of the East and North-East for two days, it was difficult fishing out on the main lake. We tried, but had limited sucess anchoring which messed up trying to fish in that type of weather.
    We did manage to catch limits of walleyes each day by moving up and down the river, we had to sort through a lot of smalls before we could keep some decent size fish.
    The majority of our catch was jigging in the 20′-25′ fow with some type of gold,pink or white color combo.

    It was a good weekend for fishing despite mother nature trying to drive us back to the warm comforts of the cabin.

    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116

    Nice looking fish Jeff, way to not cave in to Mother Nature!

    Amery, WI
    Posts: 1422

    I was watching weather up there, it sure didn’t look good.
    I am hoping to head up tomorrow mid day and fish Wed & Thur.
    Hoping to not have to fish river as I never have, but if you could give any suggestions regarding river that would be great… just in case.
    Basically how far up river did you have to go and what depths.
    Thanks in advance

    Phillips, WI
    Posts: 155


    I was watching weather up there, it sure didn’t look good.
    I am hoping to head up tomorrow mid day and fish Wed & Thur.
    Hoping to not have to fish river as I never have, but if you could give any suggestions regarding river that would be great… just in case.
    Basically how far up river did you have to go and what depths.
    Thanks in advance

    We were up on the river from Monday through Thurs. last week, and with the exception of Tues., we had great weather. See my post, Rainy River Fall Trip. We put in at Vidas & fished up & down from there, concentrating on the deepest holes during the day. We caught fish on a variety of presentations, but found that a simple 18″ snell in front of a 1/2 oz. egg sinker worked the best. We tied two circle hooks on almost like a night crawler harnesss & tipped them with emerald shiners, dead or alive, it didn’t make any difference. We just dead sticked them, and had great success. As the evening came on, we would move a little shallower & jig blades or 3/8 oz H2O jigs with minnows. Good luck, and take some time to learn the river, it’s a hell of a fishery!!!

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13320

    Sounds like a heck of a trip Jeff. Glad you guys all got back safe.

    Amery, WI
    Posts: 1422

    We were up on the river from Monday through Thurs. last week, and with the exception of Tues., we had great weather. See my post, Rainy River Fall Trip. We put in at Vidas & fished up & down from there, concentrating on the deepest holes during the day. We caught fish on a variety of presentations, but found that a simple 18″ snell in front of a 1/2 oz. egg sinker worked the best. We tied two circle hooks on almost like a night crawler harnesss & tipped them with emerald shiners, dead or alive, it didn’t make any difference. We just dead sticked them, and had great success. As the evening came on, we would move a little shallower & jig blades or 3/8 oz H2O jigs with minnows. Good luck, and take some time to learn the river, it’s a hell of a fishery!!!

    Thanks for the Info Dr. Death (love the name!!!)
    I am just not that familuar with the river but have all the electronics to figure it out.
    Looks like light winds Wend & Thurs so hoping can still get some activity out on lake.

    May even make the run to Knights and Bridges hoping for some off the reefs too.
    All about the weather up there.

    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 502

    Looked fun and nice fish

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