Greetings Fishermen!
Just think…Last year at this time, it was 70 degrees and ice was fading fast! This year, we’re still fishing out at the reefs!
Speaking of the reefs, that is where we are catching them right now! We are pulling out limits of sauger and walleye, and mix a few bonus jumbo perch in there! We’re fishing between 28-32 feet of water off of rubble rock. We’re having luck using Jiggin’ Raps, Lindy Flyers, and JR Stop Signs, in various colors and glow colors.
If you are fishing in the mud, it will probably be spotty and and slow. BUT, if you can fish the first hour and a half, and the last hour and a half in 17-21′ in front of the Gap, there is some excellent walleye fishing to be had! Use your Vexilar and find those fish!
We still have room to bring you up to the reefs! Give us a call to book your fishing vacation before we lose the ice!