looking at old posts??

  • jiggin-rake
    inver grove heights, minnesota
    Posts: 857

    How can i look at old posts? I click on page 2 then when it loads it shows nothing.?.. im just trying to figure out some info on early ice walleyes on LOTW. What depths are usually targeted before x mas? Any help would be appreciated. Pm me if ya want. Thanks

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Go to the root of this forum. Scroll down under the existing posts, you’ll see a drop down menu for how far back you see posts.

    Phillips, WI
    Posts: 155

    I’m trying to access older posts from the Rainy River forum also and I cannot get any pages up past one. I try to change it to 1 year and it defaults back to 3 months. It shows page 2 and beyond, but when I click on page 2, ir just defaults. Help!!!!!

    inver grove heights, minnesota
    Posts: 857


    I’m trying to access older posts from the Rainy River forum also and I cannot get any pages up past one. I try to change it to 1 year and it defaults back to 3 months. It shows page 2 and beyond, but when I click on page 2, ir just defaults. Help!!!!!

    ….. X2

    inver grove heights, minnesota
    Posts: 857


    inver grove heights, minnesota
    Posts: 857

    Still havent figured it out.

    inver grove heights, minnesota
    Posts: 857

    Basically i wanna find info for dec-mid jan on LOW. Zippel bay? Or any other areas anybody reccomends? Sleeeper or day shack? It would be 2 maybe 3 people. Also maybe some got lures up there? Fatheads or shiners for deadsticks?

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5901

    Your post has not fall’in on deaf ears.
    I also have no answers for you as I have the same issue.
    I hope someone with higher powers can answer your request soon!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Hey Jiggin, change the default to “view all” and with your left hand rub you tummy and click the pages at the bottom your looking for.

    It’s the rubbing your tummy thing that makes it work.

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5901

    Brian, I don’t know what you did but it is working now, when it wasn’t before. Thanks!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    It’s rubbing your tummy!!

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5901

    I don’t think so Brian, that’s way too big of a target on the both of us!

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