Rainy River ice

  • dr-death
    Phillips, WI
    Posts: 155

    Does anyone know what mile marker the ice out has reached on the Rainy River? I have heard between Indus & Birchdale. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Looks to be an early spring this year. Boats in the water next week??

    Posts: 19

    Heading up there next weekend! Jacked!

    Phillips, WI
    Posts: 155

    This is going to be a screwed up year for Clementsen, as they are trying to get some much needed construction & repairs done. We probably won’t see regular updates like in the past, but it is temporary. We’ll take what we can get. Thanks much.

    Ramsey,MN pool 2, St.croix river
    Posts: 691

    I stayed at clementson back in October and got the owner pretty drunk at the bonfire (because he was out of beer) then he got some liquid courage and wanted to fight me lol.
    I’ll still go there because I like the area.
    I just won’t give Art any beers

    Phillips, WI
    Posts: 155

    I hear you, a guy doesn’t need that crap. I am planning on being there on Monday the 9th of April, staying at Rainy River Retreat. It might be a bit late, but there will still be fish to be caught, & Easter is kind of getting in the way this year. Tight lines………….

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