ANGLE trip with pics

  • Quintin Biermann
    Webster, South Dakota
    Posts: 436

    Well with getting back on the water here in SD and working and what not I am just getting this post up. I was up in the NW angle the 3rd-6th and was going into Ontario daily to chase the big slabs that this area can hold. We had 3.5 days of fishing and in those days caught and released close to 170 crappies. We had fresh fish for dinner every night. We got into walleyes everyday unfortunately our size structure was slightly smaller than what we were hoping for. The whitefish also made the mid day go faster. We found all of our crappies relating to deep tips of points as well as fishing some deeper contours that connected two larger basin areas. Most of the fish we found were willing to bite bigger baits. I caught my biggest fish on buckshot rattle spoons with a half or whole salted fathead. Some of the fish at times would lay on the bottom and i got these with a few spikes on a tungsten jig. The size was very good as our crappies probably averaged that 13 plus with a good amount over 14 and then also fish down in that 11.5-12 inch range. Big fish of the trip was a 15.5 that i caught and released. Big eye was a 23″. Whitefish ran 3-5lbs. If you ever get a chance to do a trip like this do it. Awesome to have big paper mouths stacked 6 deep on the flasher and race up to your jig 10 feet up off the bottom.

    picture of the 15.5 not a great pic…had to take the picture myself with the timer and was more concerned about getting the fish back down the hole


    Nice Chunky eye CPR

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Dream trip! Thanks for sharing. I’m holding out hopes that the weather will allow us to get out on LOTW after we get back from Winnipeg… looks like you guys had plenty of snow to play in while I couldn’t make a decent snowball here in MPLS on the 11th March.

    Neenah, WI
    Posts: 31

    QB, Nice fish! That is my next trip!! Last week was my first trip to the Angle and it was AWSOME. The walleyes were all over jigg’n raps. A friend and I caught close to 40 eyes one day. The biggest eye was 24″ and I managed to ice a mid 30″ pike on my (TB) jig stick w/6lb line. Next trip we would like to slide over the border and give it a try for some slabs. Thanks for the report

    Calvin Svihel
    Northwest Metro, MN
    Posts: 3862

    Those are some nice looking Pies. I think this trip may be in the books for next ice season. Awesome fish

    Minot, ND
    Posts: 146

    Super!!! I’d like to chase those big crappies around some day too.

    Jim Carroll NPAA #13

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