Started fishing 8 a.m. Friday and it was lights out non-stop action for 3 hours… 19 FOW and almost any lure we put on got bit. We only caught 3 keeper saugers and we didn’t keep count of how many walleyes but all I can say is you don’t get on that type of walleye bite every day. Saturday we wanted to try for bigger fish and found three 23 plus inchers in 21 FOW. My fishing partner Tony Swenson had the hot hand for numbers and size on this trip and as luck would have it the slightly hotter holographic perch jigging rap could not be found. On day 1 the rear hook fell off. Glow pink, gold anything and jigging raps took the majority of the fish. When the madness subsided just a couple bangs of the bottom to stir up some sediment and it wasn’t long before that tap, tap was on. I hope to put up a video and some pics later. Thanks to Tom, JP and all the crew at Wigwam for the great hospitality.
Now is the time to head up and enjoy the great fishing and crazy bite on Lake of the Woods.
Thanks for the memories Tony!