In-Depth Outdoors would like to give a warm welcome to Outdoor Brandz!
Outdoor Brandz the parent company of
Jeff Williams is the founder of Outdoor Brandz and here’s a little about Jeff and how his growing company was started.
Jeff is married to his lovely wife Patricia and they have two boys, Haydn and Owen. By watching Jeff’s videos you’ll be able to tell Jeff loves taking the family fishing.
Jeff’s passion for the outdoors started as far back as he can remember. He guided multi species in Oklahoma at the young age of 20 years. He learned quickly there were plenty of clients that wanted to catch big blue catfish on a guided trip. By the time he was 28 folks were taking notice of his ability to target large reservoir blue cats.
Jeff and his family packed up and moved to Warsaw Missouri to guide on Lake of the Ozarks and Truman Lake while testing his skills in the catfish tournament world and guiding around 225 days per year specifically for Blue cat’s.
In 2007 Jeff knew there had to be a better brand in catfishing gear. A brand that was built on quality first. He knew there was a need for a more professional looking brand. A brand that looked great and took care of the cat fisherman from bait to reel. The total package.
By using the knowledge from all his guiding and tournament experience…Team Catfish was born.
Today catfishermen and women have come to know and use “Team Catfish Real Catfish Gear” for Channel Cats, Blue Cats and Flatheads. The Team Catfish line up includes terminal tackle, rods, line, fish grippers, attractants and catfish baits.
From the Team Catfish platform Jeff and his family have expanded their horizons creating a umbrella of outdoor brands keeping in mind what made Team Catfish successful.
“The 1st rule we follow at Outdoor Brandz is quality”. “We are very pleased that our customers appreciate the quality and image our brands show in the outdoor market place.”
We at Outdoor Brandz are extremely excited to have your Briank on our Pro Staff Team. I’ve been talking with Brian over the last three or so years and his knowledge and passion for catfishing will be a huge asset to our brands.
We hope that all the catfishermen and women, the Spoonbillers and the folks that use deer attractants and minerals will give our products a try and see what we mean by “quality first”!
~Jeff Williams
Outdoor BrandZ
Team Catfish Real Catfish Gear!
Your reliable source for SINKERS!
Not Fancy Just the Best!
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