Viewing on my phone, s the price $10? If so, I am speechless…
If you are looking for something similar look up a Spin n glo.
But paying $10, its not even a Rapala can’t catch fish by itself. BTW won’t pay $10 for a Rap either. And they DO catch fish.
I agree with Mark on on this product. Allthough I will spend over $10 on a good crank. I would not spend that on 2 rotating/vibrating pieces of plastic on stainless wire.As Mark mentioned check out Wordens Spin-N-Glow, Macks Smile Blades,or just a couple of prop style blades seperated by a couple beads will also give (sonic)vibration.
There are quite a few manufacturers that have vibrating-rotating beads blades or devices that you can use as an attractor.With or without live bait & catch fish for considerably less money. When/If these go in the bargain cave for $.99 I might try them.Reminds me of the Shakey Blade concept which I didnt buy into either.
Just my $.02