I’ve recently been running into issues with the clackin’ minnows and x raps bills breaking off. I looked last night and I have 2 clackin minnows, four x-raps and four DT’s with broken bills. The clackin’ minnows were cast a total of ten times or less. Very annoying at $16 a pop. Anybody else had this problem?
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » General Discussion Forum » Rapala bills breaking off
Rapala bills breaking off
March 30, 2011 at 2:19 pm #952166
Someone on IDO was saving them up until the end of the year and then sending them in for replacement.
I could be wrong, but it might have been Marty Hahn.
If they aren’t too badly beat up (like Chappy’s was
), from my understanding they were replacing them.
March 30, 2011 at 2:55 pm #952183Quote:
I’ve recently been running into issues with the clackin’ minnows and x raps bills breaking off. I looked last night and I have 2 clackin minnows, four x-raps and four DT’s with broken bills. The clackin’ minnows were cast a total of ten times or less. Very annoying at $16 a pop. Anybody else had this problem?
Here’s a past thread with contact info for Rapala customer service and some info on how a similar claim was handled.
March 30, 2011 at 4:30 pm #952232Let us know how it turns out. I have a ton of DTs with broken lips. Most of which never made it over a dozen casts either.
March 30, 2011 at 5:45 pm #952261Thanks James, I will try the CS# tonight. I had corresponded with Rapala through email and they said that “warranty” claims are supposed to be handled through the retail store that the lures were purchased at. I’m not sure if the baits have a warranty, like some other rapala products might(electric fillet knives and what not) but I did call Gander Mountain, where the majority of the lures were purchased, and the guy said that I could exchange the clackin’ minnows since I still have the receipt. I’ll try my best sales pitch and see if they’ll replace the Xraps and DTS also. Will keep you posted, and thanks again for the response.
March 30, 2011 at 8:42 pm #952304FYI, with DTs, don’t slap them on the water to get weeds off, that will lead to a quick demise…
March 30, 2011 at 9:27 pm #952313a few years back, i had a half dozen or so #5 shallow shad raps that the lips broke off. sent them in to rapala and they sent me new ones. they were not the same color as the broken ones, but i got something back anyways. if i remember right there was note in the box that said that they were not going to replace anymore lures with broken lips.
March 30, 2011 at 10:28 pm #952332Quote:
FYI, with DTs, don’t slap them on the water to get weeds off, that will lead to a quick demise…
Any crank subjected to that can & will break eventually! Been there-done that.
No longer a constant weed slapper.
Just a little more casual to reach up & pick off.
I now watch others repeatedly whacking lures on the surface fully knowing the demise of the lure.
Posts: 174March 31, 2011 at 6:51 am #952452I’ve had some in the past break…prematurley I thought.
Last summer I had several. One of which was a new DT16 that the bill snapped on it’s 3rd cast. Another the same day…made it about 15 casts. I think I had about a half a dozen break last year. I got rid of all the rest. I’ll never buy a Rapala crankbait again, regardless of how their customer service handles the claims. Why replace crap…with crap?
March 31, 2011 at 5:05 pm #952615I’ve just about boycotted Normark products altogether because of this as well. I’ve had a shallow shadrap and a small #6 Husky Jerk lose the lip just coming out of the box! I figured that if they’re making them THAT cheap, why bother? If I need replacements for the older, better stuff, I buy old tackle lots off ebay.
April 1, 2011 at 10:30 am #952878It just seems that the prices just keep going up and the quality just keeps going down.
April 1, 2011 at 12:48 pm #952944boy, I will tell you that if the two original gentlemen who started Normark, here in Minnesota were around,, you wouldn’t have this problem. original Rapalas were build for 40 years worth of use..
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