The rods I prefer to use are 7-8ft MH catfish rods. They have a fast tip to pick up those subtle bites and the backbone to bring them in. I prefer the baitcater style but there are spinning options out there too.
Reels- I prefer tha Abu Garcia 7000 as it has a pretty good drag, clicker and power handle. There are other options with a Abu and PENN also makes a good baitcaster,
For line, I prefer the Sufix 832 braided line in the 80-100 test area. There are others like the Power Pro and Fire Line that will also get the job done. Some do use heavier mono but the majority that I see use the braided line.
The weight I prefer to use is either a no roll or a bank sinker. I like the weights from 3-8oz depending on the current. You will want you bait to stay in one spot for the sturgeon to be able to locate and then pick it up. The weight will sldie up and down the line and hit the knot by the swivel very hard when one uses a no-roll sinker. I campher the holes on the weight so I does not have real sharp edges and then also wrap a small thin strip of elec tape tighhtly around the knot by the swivel. Anything one can do to stop the sharp edges on the no roll from hitting the knot in the line and cutting it will help. That small fish may not find that weak spot but big mama just may and your heart would sink if that happened.
For swivels, I prefer to use a 100# barrel swivel.
I use to use the 3/0-4/0 circle hooks and many do use them. I have switched to the 3/0 Abdereen hooks. You want a good strong hook as you may hook into a big one over a hundred pounds and you do not want the hook to straighten out.
I do use what I believe are some quality rods and maybe the more expensive reels but one can use others with good success.
Others please feel free to chime in with other tips for these sturg.
I will take a few photo’s of the end of the line with everything set up and post it later today.
The reason I like to use heavier gear is that I like to get the fish back to the boat asap. These fish do not mate untiul like 20 years old and are very slow growers.
I want to land that fish, take a photo and get it back into the water as fast as possible so others can also enjoy the fish.
One can use bass fishing gear and some do but the fight is for so long, one may do too much harm to the fish and decrease it’s survival rate after the release. There, done preaching now.
I am sure you may still have more questions so fire away
Here is a photo of a 5oz bank sinker on a sinker slider. The nice part about this sinker slider is that the weight is not hitting the knot on the cast. I have not had to many issues with the weight wrapping around the line when I cast. DTRO showed me the sinker slider and it was a great tip. hats off to DTRo. 
When traveling from spot to spot with the rod in a rod holder standing straight up, I would not do that with the sinker slider as it could wrap the sinker around your rod or hit the rod blank and it could do damage to the rod.
I like to have about 10-12 inches of a tag end to the hook and no more so my bait does not move around too much.
If you have questions or concerns on what type bait to use, check out this link to another thread on bait.