…as I said, Doc is going down stream.
Here I thought he was goin(up a creek/river) to fish for them spawnin eyes by your trailer
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…as I said, Doc is going down stream.
Here I thought he was goin(up a creek/river) to fish for them spawnin eyes by your trailer
I can’t believe no one got a picture of the Gator that landed at Everts yesterday… All the Lock guys saw it…
looks like right now it at 680 and 102,000. Everyone staying dry down there, is it still below the brick wall below the cabins, sure hope so.
looks like right now it at 680 and 102,000. Everyone staying dry down there, is it still below the brick wall below the cabins, sure hope so.
Any updates?
Latest reading shows it still at 680 and falling a bit. Forecast shows it hitting 682 about the 10th. That’s just a forecast though.
Last I heard one ramp was still open at Everts, is the water still below the wall at the cabins? I sure hope so.
It was on Saturday.
The water was just about touching the yellow sign by the up stream ramps.
One ramp open and the shuttle was running non stop.
Is that the bridge to no where?
That’s Brian’s version of the yellow brickroad. He’s trying to find the wizard of oz.
Is that the bridge to no where?
That’s Brian’s version of the yellow brickroad. He’s trying to find the wizard of oz.
He wouldn’t paint it yellow.
At least he has a bridge there & it is useable! The fish are still going to go through their migration patterns reguardless if people decide to fish the river or not. With flows the way they are it can be a bit more challenging fishing & loading the boat but a few fish are still being caught. Speaking of bridge I stopped by the Harbor Bar to get a bite to eat & they improvised by leaving a canoe to paddle from the dock up to the door. I take it they didnt want to spend time building a bridge & be ready for modifications. Kitchen was not running but the pizza oven worked. The scenery wasnt bad either.
Since when did you start asking permission?
I wasn’t going to do it. That would have been work!
At least he has a bridge there & it is useable! The fish are still going to go through their migration patterns reguardless if people decide to fish the river or not. With flows the way they are it can be a bit more challenging fishing & loading the boat but a few fish are still being caught.
The true “woodsman” know where to fish.
It’s the “Bridge Over The River Cry”
Thank you very much!I’ll be…
Bridge of Sighs…. Robin Trower. See if you old farts remember music.
Looking like the second crest will becoming Tuesday….I hope Ma Nature is done with us for the year!
Still running with one ramp open and once the parking is full…all of 8 rigs, shuttling folks up the hill.
Looking like the weather will b very nice this weekend!
The next crest on pool 2 is looking to be next Monday and just a few inches higher than the 1st. Hope that is the height of the 2011 spring flood season. Glad it didn’t get as high as some predicted for you guys down there.
Can you post the exact link from that forcast. I need to bookmark it.
There’s a very good chance the bait shop will be closed Sunday, April 9th 2011.
Still a chance of planks leading from the outhouse area to the bait shop…going to have to see what tomorrow brings.
Water is still rising.
Everts iconic dock is closed to to water across the first section. Most have been parking their boats along the retaining wall. Three more inches and it will be over that wall too.
The launch will likely remain open although parking is on the top of the hill and the scuttle is going non stop.
We had a couple frustrated folks at the ramp today when the rush came after the rain. With everyone wanting to get off the water at the same time, the line up was up the hill.
As I explained to the frustrated folks, this is not the time to practice backing your trailer. Ask for help if you’re unsure of you’re self. It’s hard to see the ramp and it’s a challenge for the novice.
As Dean has said many times before…you are not macho by not wearing your PFD. At 106,000 cubic feet per minute ma nature will be unforgiving in the 46 degree water. Be a sally and wear it!
This photo was taking from inside Lock #3. The sign on the left is the high water mark from 1965.
Predictions are that the river will rise another 2-3 feet from this point and run through next weekend.
Forecast can change daily.
I had all of 15-20 minutes to fish before I promised the FW I would be heading in.
First channel of the 2011 season and it came in on the Team Catfish fiber bait called Sudden Impact. Looks like cat hair with stink bait added!
The second photo is of the new lock wall at #3. One thousand more feet of cement making it more safe for the tows and the recreational boaters down stream.
Update April 9 2011:
The latest “guess” is the bait shop will be closing Monday afternoon. There will be an update here and in the Mississippi River Walleye forum as well.
You’ll need water proof boots (water proof shoes at the very least) to get to the bait shop today.
The launch will remain open until it’s deemed unsafe to use and that again is day by day.
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