Non Resident Wisconsin Fishing Liscense ?

  • bigjigger2002
    Pearlcity , Illinois
    Posts: 471

    If I didn’t have a Wisconsin fishing liscense last year.But just purchased one tonight for 2011 online. Would I be legal to fish tomorrow,with the new liscense ?

    Kent Andersen
    Amery WI
    Posts: 96

    I don’t think so it sould say the dates that it is good for some where on the liscense

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13923

    Assuming you bought an annual

    Licenses for current year expire on March 31

    MADISON – 2011-12 Wisconsin hunting, fishing, trapping and other licenses for fish and wildlife activities in Wisconsin go on sale Wednesday, March 9. Annual licenses are valid from April 1, 2011 through March 31, 2012. Hunting and fishing licenses for the 2010-11 license year expire on March 31, 2011.

    Altoona, WI
    Posts: 132

    I bought my resident conservation patron (fishing/hunting/all in one) today at the DNR office here in town. Technically the one I had from last year is good until the end of the month. I asked if I had to carry my old one or if the new one was valid and they told me I didn’t need the old one.

    The new licenses typically go on sale state-wide to coincide with the Milwaukee Sport Show which started on March 9 this year. I think they give you a little free fishing if you purchase early.

    I think you are okay, but you could call a service center (numbers available on the DNR website)and ask to be sure.

    My 2 cents,


    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13923

    Dave53, I agree that a warden may give someone a break. But that is strictly up to how the warden handles the situation. On an annual license, the regulations clearly state that it is valid from April 1st 2011 through March 31st, 2012. I would hate to see a guest that is spending money in our state get dinged for something like this.

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