Mustache March

  • deertracker
    Posts: 9311

    Anyone participating in Mustache March? Most of the guys I work with are but shouldn’t be in you know what I mean. I didn’t realize I work with so many 1980’s porn stars. It’s all for a laugh though. I was talking to my wife the other day when she stopped me and said, “I can’t take you seriously with that thing”.


    White Bear Lake, MN
    Posts: 178

    Last year, myself and a bunch of buddies did a “Decembeard” contest to see who could grow the best beard for the month. It was alot of fun and some funny prizes were given for best/worst beards grown. On the other hand, most of the wives and girlfriends were not happy with us Oh well!

    Bayport/St. Croix/Otsego/Grand Rapids
    Posts: 450

    Just trimmed down my Santabeard to modest college prof-size.
    Anyone interested in recycling the leavin’s for hair jigs?

    Posts: 23

    My college buddies and I do a nhl playoff beard contest. 25 bucks a person. Get 16 people and draft your team before the playoffs. As long as your team is playing you can’t shave. Winner at the end gets the money and a sweet [censored] beard. Must still have beard to win. Its funny to see the guys who can’t grow anything but spotty neck beards.

    Posts: 9311

    If we could grow more than just a mustache at work that would be fun. While I can’t grow the best mustache my beard is really good.

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