Boat appraisals?

  • jeremy-liebig
    Posts: 1455

    Anyone know where to get one done? I assume most dealers can but don’t know for sure. Need to show it’s not worth as much as a lawyer seems to think it is!

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2104

    Just for starters, you could go to NADA blue book for boats.
    needless to say, the fact a lawyer is involved doesn’t make your situation sound to good.

    Omaha, NE
    Posts: 362

    NADA is a fine resource as a starting point. I’ve found that the best method for pricing a used boat is Craigs List.

    You can go to JAXED.COM and view CL listings from all over the country. Or just post an in-depth description on IDO and ask all of us what it’s worth. There are some very insightful appraisals to be had. And since none of us have a dog in the fight, the assessment would be a true third-party. Just a thought.

    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 38

    I’ll second the NADA site, especially if your looking for a low price

    Posts: 1455

    Thanks! I’m aware of NADA but I’d like to get an actual documented appraisal.

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