Handhelp GPS

  • cat dude
    Arlington, MN
    Posts: 1389

    Well, my H20 still works but for the 3rd time the charger is shot. I realize I could go with the rechargeable batteries but I want one with the 12v charger for the sled, atv and truck.

    I have had this unit for approx 6 years and it has been a good one otyher than the 12v charger.

    Who has some ideas on what is worth picking up?

    I would want a color version.

    Thanks for the help.

    Amery, WI
    Posts: 1422

    I didn’t realize the H2O had a charger. I have 1 with an addaptor. Please let me know what it is you have.

    cat dude
    Arlington, MN
    Posts: 1389

    Its not a charger but a 12v cord to run of the battery.

    I should have been more specific.

    Calvin Svihel
    Northwest Metro, MN
    Posts: 3862

    They are sensitive like bass, I have taken extra careful of mine and its ran flawless for at least 4 years. Its the only downfall from the H2O, the adapter cord seems to have a short life on some.

    cat dude
    Arlington, MN
    Posts: 1389

    You are very correct on the sensitive part. I guess to much switching from truch to sled to ATV.

    That’s why I am looking at a new model and was wondering what everyone likes for a hanheld.

    I believe Lowrance is out of the adapter and they are no longer making them.

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764


    I have taken extra careful of mine and its ran flawless for at least 4 years.

    Mine was the same for 2.5 years, but finally crapped out. The kicker was that it took 2 months to get a new one! Luckily, I ordered long before spring.

    Moving the adapater around a lot would definitely shorten it’s life. I “reverse engineered” mine once it broke, and the wires in it are very small. Mine had a break near the plug that goes into the GPS. It would work until you touched or moved the cord.

    My other beef with the unit is that the buttons should be back lit. It would make it much easier to use at night!

    cat dude
    Arlington, MN
    Posts: 1389

    No more cords for me.

    I am going to run this one of rechargeable batteries and purchase a new unit.

    Whats a good model to purchase? Are the Garmins good?

    Amery, WI
    Posts: 1422

    I only have had H2OC’s. I’ve not heard anything regarding the new Lowrance handhelds and not familur with other brands. Love my H2O’s. Good luck!

    Posts: 3239


    No more cords for me.

    I am going to run this one of rechargeable batteries and purchase a new unit.

    Whats a good model to purchase? Are the Garmins good?

    Keep in mind that your Lowrance LakeMaster chips will not
    work in a Garmin.

    cat dude
    Arlington, MN
    Posts: 1389

    Thats the issue, to find a new unit that will take my chips.

    Maybe simply another new Lowrance unit.

    Cove Bay Mille Lacs lake MN
    Posts: 1814

    my wife had the h20 expedition and it was a very good unit until it crappedout. thought long and hard on what to do, find used h20 on ebay/craigeslist, buy new lowrance model, or switch to another brand. ended up going with a new garmin oregon 550t. it was on sale for christmas. the biggest reason was that my wife really likes to geocashe, and the garmin units are set up for that. you can download information right from the computer to the gps. compatable units can also download information wirelessly. lakemaster maps can be downloaded right to the unit, no chips to install or lose. the unit will accept micro/sd cards to back-up waypoints and stored information, and all lakemaster/navionics maps. being this is the first garmin product in the family, there is a learning curve as to all the functions. so far i like the unit, time will tell. the lowrance only lasted about 4or 5 years, sounds like about the same as most. as far as the chip issue, i thought of that and because this unit is my wifes and she is using it for geocashing, not fishing, it was the right choice. if your chips will work in the new lowrance handheld units, then i would look into those. if they have changed to micro/sd cards, you will be buying new chips anyway.

    Winona, MN
    Posts: 5


    No more cords for me.

    I am going to run this one of rechargeable batteries and purchase a new unit.

    Whats a good model to purchase? Are the Garmins good?

    i have an eTrex.. doesn’t have routing.. but i have had it 4 years.. bashed it against rocks.. dropped it.. drenched it.. still works.. corner of the screen is cracked because once i dropped the display face first.. but still works and is readable.. the Topo map set is great(additional purchase.. garmin maps are expensive.. find someone with them already.. or through other sources ) I use rechargeable batteries in it.. i get at least a week of use out of it before a recharge is needed

    cat dude
    Arlington, MN
    Posts: 1389

    I don’t have a real issue with buying new chips as I have replaced many when I switched to my Humminbird units for my boat.

    I do have 2 Lakemaster chips for my h20 but if what I purchase does not take them, I can always sell them online for a few bucks.

    Apple Valley/Isle, MN
    Posts: 614

    I use a Garmin Nuvi 500. Plug it into the 12v on my truck, boat and sled. Have the lakemaster card in it and have been very happy with it.

    It does have a built in rechargeable battery, but I don’t think the battery lasts more than a few hours.

    For sled and boat use I use a RAM mount.

    Sioux City IA
    Posts: 3974

    Jolly Ann

    Here is what I went with after getting frustated with the H2O power cords and a lack of any customer service. This Garmin GPS Map 76CX will pick up your position quicker and I am on the second season of ice fishing with the same set of lithium batteries, not even a power cord. So far been very happy, and I tend to keep it in my pocket of my bibs and walk around or hop on an atv and check out a spot a half mile away. My buddy has the NUVI with the Garmin chip and experienced a much shorter battery life, but as long as you have a power source nearby go for it. Can say I wish the screen was bigger, but it is very close to the same size as the H2OC. The chips that I have bought are $99-$109 Minnesota and the Dakotas.

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