SE MN CWD sharpshooters (professionals???)

  • drew-evans
    rochester MN
    Posts: 1099

    yes steve during the first several weeks baiting was allowed and so were the aid of artificial lights. the DNR are culling a herd not trying to control a disease its a freekin joke!

    Byron, Mn. Rainy Lake
    Posts: 144

    Yes Steve, as it was just mentioned it was legal. I’m just not smart enough to know what the right thing to do is with this disease, hopefully the people in charge do, but as history has proven over and over government solutions aren’t always the best. . It just seems like the sampling criteria has changed. Some landowners in the immediate area wouldn’t let deer be harvested but we have a certain number that they want killed so the area expanded and now it seems like some herds are wiped out. I know deer travel quite a distance at times but hard to believe that some of the ones wiped out could ever have had contact in the area where the diseased one was shot, but I’m just smart enough to know the answers. I will keep my land set up for wildlife and hopefully the deer show up again.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1885


    Certainly not looking for an arguement but, what is so crazy about trying to elimanate the CWD?

    Do you believe there is no such disease?

    I am personally only looking for the best results in the long haul so all can enjoy the outdoors deer hunting and to have a great hunt.

    You will not see or hear me complaining about trying to control the disease.

    To be very honest, I would not be all that thrilled about having CWD in my area that I hunt as yes, it would hurt the next few years of hunting success for our group.

    I guess in the long run, we will win and I would simply need to enjoy the hunt for a few years until the herd comes back by enjoying the time spent with friends.

    I do believe there is a disese called CWD.

    I do not agree with their tactics of trying to eliminate a herd at all. Stupidity. They should have kept testing these following years at most. There is no stopping the diesese from spreading if it is indeed starting. It will have to run its course one way or the other. Going out and shooting tons of deer won’t stop the problem nor do I think it’ll even help much, if they don’t kill every single deer with the diesese it’ll keep on.
    The fact is one tested out with it in their sample study of how many deer? 700+??? Pretty small percentage. Do you all feel that warranted a herd decimation???? What a shame! Sickening!

    cat dude
    Arlington, MN
    Posts: 1389

    THis is why it is so hard for the DNR to do the correct program. Many feel very different on how they should address this issue.

    I do feel that what they are doing is the right thing to do. Will some clean deer get elimanited due to this, of course.

    I just cannot see letting it spread to the whole herd. I guess we have to try and do something.

    The deer will come back.

    I hunt in North Dakota for deer alot and over the past 24 seasons, I have seen it go from feast to phamon.

    Right now in North Dakota for the past 3 winters its been very, very hard on the deer population but the numbers will be back with a couple soft winters.

    The deer will make a comeback and hopefully none will have CWD.

    Just what I have seen over many years of deer hunting.

    Sun Prairie, WI
    Posts: 41

    You must be living under a rock? This charade has been going on in in Southern Wis for nearly 10 yrs now, and with 35 mill spent on it so far, the DNR knows nothing more about it now, than they did when they dove head first into it back then. They were going to be the hero on the white horse, and eradicate the deer herd. Ask them how that is going so far. All they’ve managed to do is urine off hunters, landowners, and business’s that used to thrive when we had a traditional nine day gun season. They have turned Wis deer hunting into a mockery over this thing. I can quote you from nationally known deer biologists, that are laughing at the way the WI DNR is going at this thing.

    The deer will come back??? I guess you’ve never heard of this handy tool called Earn a Buck. My guess is you soon will, because if you follow Wi lead, this won’t be far off for you. Long story short, this is just a continuous slaughter of does. You have to keep tipping over does to earn the right to hunt antlers. This is a pathetic practice that has, and will continue to decimate the herd to the point where it isn’t even worth buying a license anymore. Trust me, they will not allow the herd to come back, so you can forget about that pipe dream.

    As someone who purchased land in Sauk Co, at a premium price for the explicit reason to have a place to hunt deer, I feel that I have been totally bent over by the way the WI DNR has mishandled this. My advice to the MN hunting public is don’t stay quiet on this, or there will be awful circumstances in your future if your DNR follows WI’s lead!

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559


    You must be living under a rock? This charade has been going on in in Southern Wis for nearly 10 yrs now, and with 35 mill spent on it so far, the DNR knows nothing more about it now, than they did when they dove head first into it back then. They were going to be the hero on the white horse, and eradicate the deer herd. Ask them how that is going so far. All they’ve managed to do is urine off hunters, landowners, and business’s that used to thrive when we had a traditional nine day gun season. They have turned Wis deer hunting into a mockery over this thing. I can quote you from nationally known deer biologists, that are laughing at the way the WI DNR is going at this thing.

    The deer will come back??? I guess you’ve never heard of this handy tool called Earn a Buck. My guess is you soon will, because if you follow Wi lead, this won’t be far off for you. Long story short, this is just a continuous slaughter of does. You have to keep tipping over does to earn the right to hunt antlers. This is a pathetic practice that has, and will continue to decimate the herd to the point where it isn’t even worth buying a license anymore. Trust me, they will not allow the herd to come back, so you can forget about that pipe dream.

    As someone who purchased land in Sauk Co, at a premium price for the explicit reason to have a place to hunt deer, I feel that I have been totally bent over by the way the WI DNR has mishandled this. My advice to the MN hunting public is don’t stay quiet on this, or there will be awful circumstances in your future if your DNR follows WI’s lead!

    This speaks a lot of truth. I might argue a point here, but as we look at CWD, I think you’ve spoken far more than whats been said all along. Your first sentence says a lot about a lot of people in the area concerned so the person it was directed at has plenty of company.

    cat dude
    Arlington, MN
    Posts: 1389

    I simply hope this all works out for all the sportsman and women.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I find this thread very informational for us rock people that don’t hunt, but have an interest in deer and hunting in general.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2515

    Heard a blurb on the news last night that they were close to the 900 killed but had only tested about 600 so far. The rest being fawns that are not tested. When you are shooting 25-30% as fawns it seems like heard reduction is more the goal than sampling adult population.

    cat dude
    Arlington, MN
    Posts: 1389

    You must be living under a rock? This charade has been going on in in Southern Wis for nearly 10 yrs now, and with 35 mill spent on it so far, the DNR knows nothing more about it now, than they did when they dove head first into it back then.

    In response to your statement.

    Our country has been trying to find a cure for many human disease’s for much longer than 10 years without much for succuss.

    Some things do take time to find the cure or the answer.

    CWD may just be one of them.

    Sun Prairie, WI
    Posts: 41

    Certainly wasn’t attacking you personally, my apologies if it seemed like it, I do respect your viewpoint. It’s just that this is a hot button topic for people in S. Wi. This all started out as a big scare tactic, and it has evolved into a deer management tool for the DNR. Everything they do is in the name of CWD, and people are absolutely sick of it. There are no sick deer toppling over and dying like they said there will be, and the DNR keeps changing there CWD plan continuously, because it has been a complete failure. I have a good friend who is now a retired DNR warden, and he will tell you the same thing. I’m not saying that CWD doesn’t exist, as I believe it has long before they started testing for it. I’m sure there are other animals too that have this same kind of thing, and they aren’t going extinct, it’s natures way. It certainly doesn’t mean they will all get it, you just live with it like other states have been doing for many years. You can’t get rid of it anyway, even if you wiped out the entire deer herd, because the prions remain in the soil. To absolutely decimate the deer herd because of this is an absolute crying shame. The last I checked I wasn’t getting a property tax rebate on my hunting land that they have ruined with their mismanagement of CWD. I have a son that won’t hunt anymore, because he doesn’t see any deer anymore, and I can’t say as though I blame him. I hope for your sake that they don’t go this route in MN!

    cat dude
    Arlington, MN
    Posts: 1389

    I have no ideas what the answer is.

    I simply believe that leaving this disease go uncontrolled may not be the best avenue.

    Since we have never had to deal with this before, I would say that noone has the correct answer and all we can do is try something and hope for the best.

    I do hunt in ND and yes, they have found a case of CWD and I would guess the list of states without it in the deer country is getting smaller every day.

    We can only hope that one day, one of the states with CWD will find the best method to deal with this.

    It does affect all deer hunters almost everywhere.

    Sad deal but we do have to deal with it.

    No doubt it is a hot topic as I am sure it is in every state with CWD or ones who are concerned when it will come to their state.

    I do not like that ND has it and I hope that the Game & Fish in ND figures it out.

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559


    I have no ideas what the answer is.

    I simply believe that leaving this disease go uncontrolled may not be the best avenue.

    I believe it is safe to say that after the crnage Wisconsin hunters have had to endure, Minnesota SHOULD have taken a far different avenue towards discovery. The wholesale slaughter of all of these animals based on the “supposed” findings in the test on one animal certainly doesn’t suggest that this is the right course of action.

    Put this in perspectve. The deer that was tested as positive was a wild, free-ranging animal. It could have come from anywhere, but just happened to be shot where it was. There is no reasonable proof to suggest that the local herd is running rampant with a silent killer in their glands. This “sky is falling” reaction to this is bogus. But be very mindful that it is the DNR’s upper echilon in the big game division that is doing all the screaming. Gross over-reaction. How about we evacuate the Twin Cities because some kid comes up with the measles? Same darned thing.

    What to do….that is logical? Use registeration sites as the extraction points for the testing and test all car killed animals within a 50 mile radius of where the one was taken. To get compliance, make it illegal to transport a deer from the area in question without a registeration tag along with a tag confirming the sample has been taken. How much does that cost? Damn, you could get UM Veteranary students to do this. Or dnr related students. The checking would be aimed at those animals most likely to be of an age to carry the disease and this wholesale butchering of tomorrow’s deer herd is not attacked like it is doing it this way we see used today.

    I can say with certainty that I am not siding with nor will I agree with any aspect of the procurment process currently used. I see far better was to get this done without attacking a whole area’s deer herd. I have said it before and will re-state it now, there is something about this whole ordeal that doesn’t smell right to me and as this wears on I feel more and more like cwd was just a cover for something else and the dnr is just to lily-livered to step up to the truth. I have no doubt that this is not about a disease. I would not be a bit surprised to see something involving the dnr higher-ups come out of this.

    Wisconsin’s fiasco probably started with the same sort of bull crap. Did it solve anything? Nope….just proved how stupid some governement employees can really be. We certainly don’t need to see our deer slaughtered the same way to see stupid in the dnr. If our dnr was smart, they would not have followed suit to Wisconsin’s genetic stripping concept.

    I live less than twenty miles from where this crap is taking place and I hear lots of talk from locals other than on the internet. One of the important things to consider is that these are people from both sides of the fence and de-populating is a more common agreement than disease discovery is. I know landowners who were on one side of this fence at the onset that have slammed the door on the governemnt lead slingers after some of the truths were witnessed. This stuff isn’t talked about here, but it is discussed in many other venues. The dnr is getting more and more egg on its face as this wears on and if our legislature doesn’t step up and do something to see that this doesn’t get repeated I am sure we’ll see petitions to prevent it and we’ll likely see some new faces after the next election replacing those that think this action is justifiable. Bottom line….this is NOT about a disease.

    cat dude
    Arlington, MN
    Posts: 1389


    The real facts are we will not know the whole story until it is over or others come out.

    The majority including myself let emotions get in the way as we love to hunt deer and this will effect many in the areas that this is happening.

    We cannot deal with rumors from some who both are for and some who are against.

    I do not believe we have heard all the facts as we have not heard the side of the sharpshooters or the DNR.

    Steve Hix
    Dysart, Iowa
    Posts: 1141

    Get back under your rock Brian!!!

    Posts: 928

    We may not know the entire story and we probably never will. The media is generally biased and won’t tell the whole story. Also, if it’s true that the guy who owns the cows shot can’t tell the story then I doubt they will let anything out.

    My question is this, why the heck are they killing 900+ deer because they found one with it? How was 900 determined. From what I’ve read not one deer of those killed so far has been found to have the disease. Why do they continue to shoot them? That’s backwards if you ask me.

    I don’t know how the test for it, do you have to kill deer to test or could you just tranquilize them?

    This whole thing seems like a waste of deer and tax payer money.

    cat dude
    Arlington, MN
    Posts: 1389

    Yes, you have to kill the deer to test them. I believe they test the brain. The CWD casn be in the brain, lymph nodes and the spine. Thats why they suggest to not cut into the brain or spine and to cut the lymph nodes out when one is butchering your deer. Very easy to find the nodes and remove them.

    In regards to how they arive at the 900 number I have no idea.

    I guess that it is left up to the biologists and wildlife people who have been educated on the disease and how it spreads.

    I turned one in to be tested in ND and all they wanted was the head. Mine had TB.

    In regards to why they kill the amount they do, to find the correct answer, I would guess ones best shot would be to call the DNR.

    I could make a safe bet that the best group to do this work would be the DNR.

    I have no idea who would be better qualified.

    One can slam the DNR all day long but we do not know all the facts or the whole story.

    I am going to try and contact Lou C at the DNR and see if he or another could chime in here to also here the DNR’s side of the story and how this all works so we can deal with facts.

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559


    *Yes, you have to kill the deer to test them. I believe they test the brain. The CWD casn be in the brain, lymph nodes and the spine.

    *One can slam the DNR all day long but we do not know all the facts or the whole story.

    *They remove and test nodes, not the brain or spine. The statement that yes they have to kill deer is both falicy and truth. The falicy is that they did not,do not, have to h wrangle up a mass slaughter to address questions surrounding the influence of the disease while does are carrying fawns and the herd is vulnerable due to an overly harsh winter. Legitimate kills by licensed hunters would suffice nicely as would reported car kills from within the duly appointed hot zone.

    *I live very close to this situation along with many others who and we use and area in question. Our local newspaper and television stations are really focusing on this so we get very good coverage. The only FACT that we have been given is that a deer was taken from this area that was tested for CWD. Lots of deer were.That one ne deer’s test allegedly came back as positive. They have no proof that the deer was NOT a migrant deer and not one simply moving thru the area….remember, this was a free ranging animal.

    I find it ironic that the bio-developement that bought the old elk farm property needed those animals removed before they began working the ground and that the finding of cwd being found was very, very close to the start-up time period. It is the dnr’s contention that the prions found in the disease itself can live in the ground for a long, long time and that the fencing has to remain standing that once contained the elk herd’s prairie. If this is true, why would the farmer who sold the land and allowed his elk herd to be killed off [at tax payers expense yet] feel as though it is safe to jeopardize fielding a herd of very expensive beef cattle on the exact location if a disease is imbedded in the ground that has limited study and current information can not conclude with any certainty that animals OTHER than cervids will not be infected?

    When you get in touch with Cornicelli, why not ask him directly why, if this is such an outstanding solution to get information, doesn’t he put on his field duds and come down and show all of us just how great of a marksman he is? I can answer that before you make the call. He hasn’t a clue. I’ll even go out on a limb here and say that even you have more possible, credible answers based on your field experience than this Cornicelli guy provided you do some serious thinking.

    There are an awful lot of people here who will be affected by this bs. To suggest we have our heads in the sand and “don’t know the facts” is fine. We know more than we let be known. There is a better way to do this. And sometime down the road it will come to light that cwd was NOT the cause for this, simply a scare tactic tool to reach another end.

    cat dude
    Arlington, MN
    Posts: 1389


    That is what was requested to me by the North Dakota Game & Fish.

    When I have donated deer to be tested in Minnesota, all they ever asked for was the head. That was to check the brain as I was told by the DNR. Heck, maybe they were wrong along with the ND game & Fish.

    Sun Prairie, WI
    Posts: 41



    *Yes, you have to kill the deer to test them. I believe they test the brain. The CWD casn be in the brain, lymph nodes and the spine.

    *One can slam the DNR all day long but we do not know all the facts or the whole story.

    *They remove and test nodes, not the brain or spine. The statement that yes they have to kill deer is both falicy and truth. The falicy is that they did not,do not, have to h wrangle up a mass slaughter to address questions surrounding the influence of the disease while does are carrying fawns and the herd is vulnerable due to an overly harsh winter. Legitimate kills by licensed hunters would suffice nicely as would reported car kills from within the duly appointed hot zone.

    *I live very close to this situation along with many others who and we use and area in question. Our local newspaper and television stations are really focusing on this so we get very good coverage. The only FACT that we have been given is that a deer was taken from this area that was tested for CWD. Lots of deer were.That one ne deer’s test allegedly came back as positive. They have no proof that the deer was NOT a migrant deer and not one simply moving thru the area….remember, this was a free ranging animal.

    I find it ironic that the bio-developement that bought the old elk farm property needed those animals removed before they began working the ground and that the finding of cwd being found was very, very close to the start-up time period. It is the dnr’s contention that the prions found in the disease itself can live in the ground for a long, long time and that the fencing has to remain standing that once contained the elk herd’s prairie. If this is true, why would the farmer who sold the land and allowed his elk herd to be killed off [at tax payers expense yet] feel as though it is safe to jeopardize fielding a herd of very expensive beef cattle on the exact location if a disease is imbedded in the ground that has limited study and current information can not conclude with any certainty that animals OTHER than cervids will not be infected?

    When you get in touch with Cornicelli, why not ask him directly why, if this is such an outstanding solution to get information, doesn’t he put on his field duds and come down and show all of us just how great of a marksman he is? I can answer that before you make the call. He hasn’t a clue. I’ll even go out on a limb here and say that even you have more possible, credible answers based on your field experience than this Cornicelli guy provided you do some serious thinking.

    There are an awful lot of people here who will be affected by this bs. To suggest we have our heads in the sand and “don’t know the facts” is fine. We know more than we let be known. There is a better way to do this. And sometime down the road it will come to light that cwd was NOT the cause for this, simply a scare tactic tool to reach another end.

    As someone who has dealt with this slaugter in WI(earn a buck, sharpshooting over bait, and more special kill seasons than you can count) for 10 yrs, I couldn’t have stated it better!

    cat dude
    Arlington, MN
    Posts: 1389

    Tom-CT, I doubt that it is Lou’s job to go out and shoot deer.

    Why would Lou need to come out and shoot deer and what may I ask would it prove?

    Lou’s markmanship I do not believe is the question at task here.

    I am going to contact Lou but I wonder why you do not when we are simply looking for the true facts and truth.

    NO matter what Lou states, you will only say that he has no idea what he is talking about.

    Makes no sense to post it here for you to see Tom-CT.

    I looked back in my poast Tom on this subjest and I cannot find a statment where I said you had your head in the sand.

    Not much for fact here.

    I might suggest you contact the DNR and offer your expertise on the subject of CWD whatever that may be.

    What are your credentials with respect to CWD? Any biology degrees on the science and health of whitedeer and their health?

    I will respectfully remove myself from this thread.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    First let me say that I am trying to stay neutral in all of this, not saying I agree or disagree with what the DNR is doing. With that being said I have done some research on this and one thing that has not been posted here is that the DNR is not just testing for CWD they have said that they also want to reduce the heard in that area, there numbers say that there are 80 deer per square mile in that area. That is why fawns have been shot, also 35 percent of the fawns shot were taken by hunters so it is not just the DNR shooting fawns. Again I am not saying I agree or disagree with this but they are not trying to hide the fact they do want to reduce the heard in that area as they have come out and said this publicly.

    s/w WI.
    Posts: 1404

    I live in a herd reduction area. It was a cwd area. I refused to buy a license to hunt my property with no deer on it. I believe that the insurance company have ,their voice in this also. We are able to bait, but only in the top third of WI.WHY because the resorts would take wuppin if they started shooting deer. The WI. Tavern [censored]. Was right in there fighting to keep them from altering the season. A good portion of the guiding factors is MONEY?

    rochester MN
    Posts: 1099

    Steve Steve Steve lol the DNR hid the fact that they were doing a herd reduction until last weeks outdoor news….. in my opinion they did this to get epoepl like me on the band wagon to “help” them test for a disease not reduce the herd and for their 80 deer per square mile…. oh yeah they were right on with that because they counted the deer while they were herded up…. if you read what cornicelli said he said in “some areas the deer population is 80 deer per square mile” well with the deer herded up you damn right there were 80 deer in soem spots per square miole but what about the other 1000 acres in the area without a deer on it???? and them areas will have pleanty of deer there very soon and them areas where cornicelli said there were 80 deer per square mile well there sure as hell wont be in a month! its all a bunch of lies and scandles to get people on their band wagon…. well their band wagon has fallen apart now that the truths are out there.

    Byron MN
    Posts: 3374


    First let me say that I am trying to stay neutral in all of this, not saying I agree or disagree with what the DNR is doing. With that being said I have done some research on this and one thing that has not been posted here is that the DNR is not just testing for CWD they have said that they also want to reduce the heard in that area, there numbers say that there are 80 deer per square mile in that area. That is why fawns have been shot, also 35 percent of the fawns shot were taken by hunters so it is not just the DNR shooting fawns. Again I am not saying I agree or disagree with this but they are not trying to hide the fact they do want to reduce the heard in that area as they have come out and said this publicly.

    So in the DNR words ” A old doe maybe tested positive for CWD” This was the reason they use to reduce the heard Have any of you SEEN FACT that this doe was positive for CWD And if we had 80 deer per mile why was is such a horse deer season this year

    Oronoco, SE. MN.
    Posts: 771

    Really, Steve havent you been keeping yourself informed of the CWD deer kill? yes lights were legal as well as rifles. i think more people need to get involved and read and go to the public meetings .They have had a least 2 meeting now with Lou answering questions to the best of his ability.

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