corp of engineers putting islands on pool 9?????

  • cts
    winneshiek county IA
    Posts: 60

    I just heard something about them putting in islands and was wondering if any one knew where they were doing this?????

    Waterloo, IA
    Posts: 1792

    Im not 100% sure , but rummors have they will be just north of Lansing

    crawford county WI
    Posts: 819

    Hopefully they get the mud from the wing dams on pool 9 the last couple years they have really filled in making poor fishing that I’ve noticed. Not sure where they would put islands at north pretty narrow area as far as main channel goes.

    6ft under
    Posts: 3242

    I’m pretty sure you can find out where on the COE web site. Going to start this spring. Should be a combination of island building for erosion/silt control and dredging for over wintering habitat. Similar to what was done in the PDC, Brownsville, and Stoddard areas.
    It’s been long over due.
    Channel wingdam rehab might be down the road but………

    West Union, IA
    Posts: 250

    is this it?

    Harpers Slough Habitat Project, Pool 9, Iowa Location/Description

    Part of the Corps’ Environmental Management Program, the Harpers Slough area is a 2,200-acre backwater area located primarily on the Iowa side of the Mississippi River in Pool 9, about 3 miles upstream of Lock and Dam 9. The site is in the Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge. The area is used heavily by tundra swans, Canada geese, puddle and diving ducks, black terns, nesting eagles, bitterns, and cormorants and is also significant as a fish nursery area. Many of the islands in the area have been eroded or lost because of wave action and ice movement. The loss of islands allows more turbulence in the backwater area, resulting in less productive habitat for fish and wildlife. Harpers Slough is one of the few remaining areas in lower Pool 9 where high quality habitat could be maintained.

    The proposed project would restore or protect about 53,000 feet of islands using material from the backwater and the main channel. The project would slow the loss of existing islands, reduce the flow of sediment-laden water into the backwaters, reduce turbidity, and increase the diversity of land and shoreline habitats.


    The project is in the planning stage. A draft definite project report for public review will be completed in 2012. The Higgins’ eye pearlymussel, an endangered mussel species, is known to exist at the project site. Formal consultation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will be required under the Endangered Species Act. Construction of the project would be in stages because of the estimated cost of the total project in relation to the anticipated program funding levels. It would be possible to initiate the first stage of construction in 2013, depending on the recommended plan and program funding levels.

    Waterloo, IA
    Posts: 1792

    Actually just north of Lansing is some very big back waters, They are talking about putting the Islands in a slough off of Big lake. This is just info I got around town

    West Union, IA
    Posts: 250

    or this?

    Channel Dredging near Atchafalaya Bluff – Pool 9, Mississippi River – Crawford County, Wisconsin Notice of Availibility for Public Review
    The St. Paul District, Army Corps of Engineers is evaluating the effects on the nearby human environment of dredging approximately 15 acres in Pool 9 of the Mississippi River. A draft environmental assessment was released for a 30-day public review period on September 2, 2010. Comments received will be reviewed and considered in the final determination. The Draft Environmental Assessment (EA) and Draft Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) are available for download below.

    Atchafalaya Bluff Dredging Environmental Assessment

    Proposed Action
    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is proposing to mechanically dredge two areas – one on each side of the navigation channel between Mississippi River Miles 660 and 661. Currently, the width of the navigable channel – the area with a water depth of at least 9-feet – is only 300 feet. Dredging the area would widen the navigable channel width to the suggested standard of 450 feet. Approximately 15 acres total would be dredged to about 12 feet deep. The nearby Lansing Highway Bridge site (RM 663.5) is the designated placement site for Pool 9. This placement site is active and has recently been used for material disposal; any future proposed placement sites would be reviewed as necessary prior to their use.

    Dredging for the project could begin as soon as fall 2010.

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