How many gallons per minute from a well.

  • oldrat
    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 1531

    I know that I have asked some strange questions.. but, now I have one for you plumbers or well guys.. right now.. on my shower output, cold water only, and no head, I get about 4 gallons per minute.. my lower faucet is more but not a whole lot..

    how many gallons per minute should I be getting?

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13380

    Im now well expert Rat but would guess 8 to 10 gallons per minute. If you have a shower that is kicking out 4gpm look at changing the shower head. 2.5 if I remember right is what a shower head is supposed to use. 1.25 on faucets. You dont want to be wasting water. We will all be fighting over it soon enough.

    Arkansaw Wi
    Posts: 90

    WI code from a shower head is 2.5 gpm. I guess as far as how many gpm from your well, I would have have to know your what the size of your pump and pressure switch

    Posts: 0

    4 gals a minute sounds like you have plenty. Not sure I fully understand you question.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 1531

    I had 4 gallons on an open pipe.. no spray nozzle.. I had purchased a spray nozzle that was “2.5” gallons but got less then a gallon per minute.. I couldn’t get the shampoo out of my hair.. and so I went back to an older nozzle.. I just was trying to figure out if I was getting enough water or water pressure..

    who ever did my plumbing was an idiot with a brainstorm.. its not exactly done by pros.. there are a ton of twists and turns.. and for example with the exception of my wash machine faucets, there is only one turn off in the whole house..

    I have very little flow to my bathroom sink and toilet.. but the shower seems to get much more water.. I would bet that my cold water to my sink or toilet is less then a gallon per minute.. yet its within feet of the shower/bathtub..

    Steve Hix
    Dysart, Iowa
    Posts: 1141

    It has less to do with your well pump gallons, and more to do with the pressure switch and the size of your supply tank.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 1531

    this afternoon I ran my cold water in my bathroom sink.. no filter ,just open faucet.. I get less then a gallon a minute from this open faucet.. I get close to 2.5 gallons on the hot side.. Something has to be wrong here..

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Rat do you have the older steel water pipes. If you do and it was built in the 30’s or 40’s it could be lime buildup in the pipes. I’ve replumbed smaller jobs and that was thier problem too, when I redid the pipes the water ran fine.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13380

    Do you have old steel piping in the house. If so its clogged up. Dont even try to unclog it just get it replaced.

    Could also be mineral build up in the faucet. Pull cartridge to try to repair or just replace it. Some times its just a lot easier to replace.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 1531

    they are copper pipes.. and recently I had my well “pulled”.. I had “dirt” in every thing for a while..Its a maze of right angles in the basement.. none of which seem to be going any where.. its an old Wausau home..

    I assume, that its plugged some where …I have no idea of how to “unplug” it.. like I said..the hot water side is great.. but it takes like 4 minutes to fill my toilet..

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    This is what I would do first Rat if it was my place. Beings you had your pump serviced and If chunks of small lime depositis have lodged in the valves this may work, this is a starting point. Turn your pump water valve off or the pump itself and make sure theres no pressure in the pressure tank this side of the well pump by draining all the water until none comes out. Take the tops of all the cold water valves off one at a time, Kitchen sink, toilet shutoff valve, bathroom cold water valve, laundry and any other cold water valve, a crescent wrench will do it. Hang a wet washcloth over each hole and put a bowl or bucket below each valve to catch as much water as possible. Turn the pump on and let it run for 10 too 15 seconds to blow out all the lime deposits. The floor may get wet but its worth a try. Then turn the power back off and clean all the valves by turning the handles back and forth and dipping into a large bowl of water to free up any loose deposits. The wet washrags hopefully will help keep the water from spraying everywhere and if theres loose lime it will help drop it into the bowls so you can see if anything has come out. Maybe wrap a garbadge bag tie or string around each washcloth to keep it from coming off from the pressure of the water. If theres anything in the pipes it should come out the ports in the valves sockets. Then just reassemble each valve. Good luck and if theres anything in the lines it should come out. This the first thing Id try through a process of elimination. If this doesen’t raise the amount of water coming through the pipes then its between the pressure tank or shutoff valve and the pump.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Also Rat if you have outside faucets turn those on for a bit so thats a flush area too.

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