What is your favorite box donut ?

  • wade
    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 1737

    Favorite donut? lets see, box, bag, in sani-wrap, it don’t matter I just love them all equally!

    4 miles from Pool 9
    Posts: 693

    Easy, a FULL box of donuts.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22974


    Anyone ever been to the Cold Spring Bakery??? Oh Man, those chocolate or peanut cake donuts are to die for. Not to mention the long johns. A diabetic nightmare…

    Too many times… we have lots of customers, who make it a habit to bring a box in , everytime they are in for service…

    Dean Marshall
    Chippewa Falls WI /Ramsey MN
    Posts: 5853

    WKW 2 week old specials are the most memorable donuts I have had.

    North Central Wisconsin
    Posts: 459

    Kwik Trip Glazers. Leave a box on the dash of your truck on a warm summer morning when you head out chasing ‘eyes. When you get back in the afternoon it’s like you just took them out of the oven. mmmmmmmmm donuts

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 1531

    Okay.. I have to give up the ultimate Honey hole for Doughnuts in the LaCrosse area…

    ready.. St. Francis hospital.. Yep.. St. Francis.. by far, has the best doughnuts.. its out of the way.. in the past you could park, sneak in and leave even with a school bus, and it was in and out.. its not like that now.. but they still make the best doughnuts..

    as for Kwik Trip.. I wouldn’t buy a stick of gum there, much less a gallon of their over priced gas, much less a doughnut..

    they are the bain of LaCrosse..

    Waconia MN
    Posts: 1651

    Rat your crazy!! Kwik Trip is awesome their bread, donuts, milk and sandwiches are the best and their gas is some of the cheapest in town

    Alma Wi
    Posts: 1303

    Rat, I’m right there with you on Bloedows. Krispy Kreme tried to break into the Winona donut market awhile back. Bloedows ran them out of town within 3 months.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 1531

    No.. Krespy Kreme was destroyed by some accountant who “cooked the books”… so to speak.. which raised their stock to over 41.. and after it came out, dropped it back to 1 or 2..

    Blowdoes is extremely good.. but they didn’t put krespy kreme out of business.. it just didn’t happen.

    as for Kwick Trip.. come to LaCrosse, where our price of gas has been between 10 and 15 cents a gallon then Winona.. except the gas comes out of the LaCrosse terminal. Kwik Trip is on every street corner trying to be the Walmart of LaCrosse.. meaning if there is a dollar spent on gas, THEY WANT IT..

    I wouldn’t send my worst enemy to buy something from Kwik Trip..

    Alma Wi
    Posts: 1303

    Thanks for the correction.

    Posts: 1291

    O&H Bakery in Racine has/had the best I ever had,even better than Bloedows.The Kringle is second to none when bought there.

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