what is your fovorite box donut. Donuts that come in a box at the grocery store or quick store.. I’m not talking about the chain donut store..
February 11, 2011 at 12:44 pm
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » General Discussion Forum » What is your favorite box donut ?
what is your fovorite box donut. Donuts that come in a box at the grocery store or quick store.. I’m not talking about the chain donut store..
Amish bakery donuts, hang around a bit til they bring out fresh, still warm glazed donuts. Melt in your mouth.
Powder sugar! I’m not too picky about the brand as you can see from my girlish figure.
Old Home swirls are tough to beat also.
all of the above, plus the Polish donuts without holes, Ponchki.
A big box of Glazers from QuickTrip
X2 Good call Pete…..if you don’t get a sugar buzz from these you are dead inside
I’m trying to remember the name of a specific brand.. It may have been Swedish or German… something with “kvist” in the word ?
Holst !!!!
You Rock my man !!!
What can I say…? I know my donuts.
any box with donuts in it….
but an emilys custard filled chocolate bismark is pretty damn tough to beat
any box with donuts in it….
but an emilys custard filled chocolate bismark is pretty damn tough to beat
True dat!
It used to be my tradition that I leave a box (or 2) of those Mickeys chocolate covered donuts in the truck the nite before deer opener. The crunch of the psudo-chocolate and a Mtn Dew for breakfast while driving to my hunting grounds really got my pump running. I kept up that tradition right up until my first heart attack jerr
Holst !!!!
You Rock my man !!!
Yeah, those are damn good.
Bloedow’s donuts in Winona are about as close to heaven as they get though.
Don’t know if they still make them but (Snack) donut . It’s been a long time since I had them.
I want to find the Egekvist donuts for tomorrow.. We want to bring a couple three or four boxes on the plane and open them up for the surrounding seats !!!
After this next week, Mexico will not be the same !!!
Finally,,,, i get to meet some of my drug cartel relatives !!
Finally,,,, i get to meet some of my drug cartel relatives !!
Why did I just picture a full body cavity search before your flight back
The bakery at Cub foods in Rogers has surprisingly fresh and “home made” tasting pastries…at great prices! For coconut macroons there’s no better bakery than the one in Pine City. Dang those things are good!!!
The little Chocolate Covered mini donuts from the red bag fly the best when you’re drive 60 mph. Just ask Pat or Marbleeyes
for one. No one in 500 miles beats Bloedow’s doughnuts..
but since its not easy to justify driving to Winona just for Doughnuts, Festival Foods, glazed “old fashion ” doughnuts are great..
and I too, will be making paczki’s for Fat Tuesday..
Anyone ever been to the Cold Spring Bakery??? Oh Man, those chocolate or peanut cake donuts are to die for. Not to mention the long johns. A diabetic nightmare…
However.. if you are ever in Yarington Nevada, there is a place called the hitching post.. or something old west..
I went in and was shocked.. because they were charging like $2 for an Apple Fritter.. I was like,, TWO BUCKS? are you kidding me? but.. I bought one..
TWO MEN AND A BOY DELIVERED MY FRITTER TO ME.. it was bigger then a large PIZZA.. and weighed close to two pounds..
and I could almost crawl on my belly all the way out there for another one..
it was SOMETHING ELSE.. trust me.. and I have been known to eat a doughnut or two.. if you have seen me..
Anyone ever been to the Cold Spring Bakery???
Oh yeah! CS Bakery makes some really good stuff.
Bloedow’s donuts in Winona are about as close to heaven as they get though.
Your wrong… That is heaven. I am probably lucky I didn’t find Bloedow’s until midway through junior year at Saint Mary’s.
Do they deliver?
What is your favorite box donut ?
The one that is is my hand at the time you ask this question.
I guess that I am disappointed that this thread disappated so quickly.. I would have thought that we would have 40- 50 opinions by now, knowing the guys on this forum.. shocking to say the least..
no one else eats a doughnut here? right..
Bloedow’s donuts in Winona are about as close to heaven as they get though.
no wonder why the line is out the friggen door every time I drive by.
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