All Star Wrestling- “the AWA”

  • stillakid2
    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    I thought it was “Killer Kowalski”???

    Anyone remember how the Polish Strongman, Ivan Putski was always at odds with Jessie “The Body” Ventura? Jessie always called him “Ivan Padooski” to get him all riled up!

    This is more mid-80’s but does anyone remember Leapin’ Lanny Poffo? He was the only guy I ever saw get so wound up in his character that he’d beat himself up! I forget who did it to him but he was cartwheelin’ and back flippin’ all over the ring and managed to flip himself right into a close line! I think I about pee’d my pants I was laughing so hard! He cancelled that character to become “The Genius” and carried about the same genius luck Wile E. Coyote had with the Road Runner! So, after that, he became “The Poet”, and all he’d do is bad mouth guys and run for his life!

    Anyone remember the Ugandan Giant? One Man Gang? The Von Erichs? Missing Link? George “The Animal” Steel? He used to eat turnbuckles! Rowdy Roddy Piper? Mr. Wonderful – Paul Orndorff? King Kong Bundy?

    Fun days…………..

    Posts: 1

    I know this is many years after you guys posted about the “AWA”. It is fun to reminice about these wrestlers. I was in grade school at the time they were popular. I didn’t see any names such as Rocky Hamilton, the Missouri Mahler; Moose Evans; Hercules Cortez; Pompero Firpo-the wild bull of the Pampas, what a hair do back in those days. I agree, great times.

    Bob Carlson
    Mille Lacs Lake (eastside), Mn.
    Posts: 2936

    Soldat Ustinov ” Jim Lanning” has a fish house at The Red Door Resort! The good old days of AWA!

    Ring names

    Soldat Ustinov

    Ivan the Terrible

    Big Jim Steele

    The Russian Krusher

    smoke grub
    Posts: 251

    well this is a great old post.. Larry the Ax Henning, and Luscious Lars Anderson ( Larry Hinimi)..Billy Robinson.. Black Jack Lanza.. Dusty Rhodes… the Vachon Brothers were almost always the tag team Champions.. Seldom did you see the Crusher and Bruiser together.. because the Bruiser hated to leave Chicago.. it was always a multiple month feud .. one team would win this month and lose again the next.. until.. some one left the association..

    Posts: 3010

    one of the greats who hasn’t been mentioned on this thread yet
    George the animal Steele

    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116

    Maybe this guy could have lit the torch at Sochi.

    Posts: 249

    Crusher was the absolute best behing the microphone! “Pop goes the Weasel!!!” Mad Dog was a great one too who came up with “Jerry Fatwell”
    I wish WWE would look at some old tapes and teach their new talent how to work the crowd like they could in the old days. It’s not as much fun to watch anymore.

    Sioux City,IA
    Posts: 874

    Who can forget the Von Erichs.. Kerry was my favorite to watch!

    Fosston, Mn
    Posts: 63

    Kinda surprised nobody has mentioned Ray “The Crippler” Stevens yet.

    Posts: 17


    Derek,I have no idea if it was the AWA but what about Tommy “Wildfire” Rich or “Mad dog” Buzz Sawyer?
    Ryan Hale

    Tommy Wildfire was one of my favorites back in the early 80`s. Georgia championship wrestling…but I also watched the awa on Sunday mornings on channel 9 back in the seventies.

    Trempealeau, WI
    Posts: 381

    Geesh, don’t forget Jesse The Body Ventura!

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