All Star Wrestling- “the AWA”

  • derek_johnston
    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022

    Who remembers real wrestling like the AWA? “the top professional wrestlers from throughout the world” Poland, Japan, Canada, Mexico. But really the were mainly from south mpls or robbinsdale.

    Who was your favorite? And what do you remember about him most?

    I would have to say my favorite guy was Mad Dog Vachaun. What I remembered most about him was he scared the hell out of me. At 12 years old, he was more frightening than the Exorcist.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2443

    Hey Derek,

    Yes, I grew up with the AWA! They used to tape a TV wrestling show here in Rochester back in the 60’s and I would go to that when I could get my older siblings to take me. I liked the Crusher, Mad Dog, and Vern Gagne.
    They even made a movie once. I think it was probably in the 70’s. Did anyone ever see it?
    The AWA was pretty mild compared to what is on now.


    NW Ia
    Posts: 1548

    Derek,I have no idea if it was the AWA but what about Tommy “Wildfire” Rich or “Mad dog” Buzz Sawyer?
    Ryan Hale

    Doug Ertl
    St Cloud, MN
    Posts: 957

    Jimmy Do…. record of about 0-500.
    Green and white tights. The guy had the best facial expressions while he was getting pumbled. Anyone remember him?

    Posts: 517

    I always dug the High Flyers (Jim Brunzell and Greg Gagne) and later the Road Warriors (Hawk and Animal).

    I always thought it was great that so many wrestlers came through the AWA on their way to ‘stardom’…. people like Shawn Michaels, Harley Race, Adrian Adonis, Scott Hall, Curt Hennig, and Marty Jannetty.

    And let’s not forget the most famous AWA star of all-time — Jesse Ventura !!

    Posts: 365

    My absolute fave would definately be The Claw Master, Baron Von Rashke!! When we were kids we would always beat the crap out of each other and give each other The Claw! Man, would your temples hurt after succumbing to THE CLAW! I thought I saw on the news that the Baron now owns a little shop somewhere in the west metro? Anyone know anything about that? I’d love to stop by and visit.

    I always remember the exhibition matches where some no name guy off the street would be in the ring with one of the “stars” and basically just be there to get his head ripped off .

    Yep, brings back good memories of sittin’ around with gramps on a weekend afternoon watching “wrastling” and fishing shows . Chris

    Dave G
    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 631

    Vern Gagne used to come to Robbinsdale high school on occasion and talk to the gym classes. Everybody wanted him to show us his “sleeper” hold (Vern would grab his opponent around the head/neck and they would go to sleep in a few seconds). Vern never did demonstrate the “sleeper” to us. Back then my dad just loved to watch wrestling on TV.

    Apple Valley, Mn (Pool 2)
    Posts: 352

    My neighbor was the station manager of channel 11 at that time so he’d invite me to go see wrestling at the Calhoun manor on lake st and home of 11. we got to meet every body, Marty O’Neal Wally Carbo the turkey neck promoter DA CRUSHER &BRUSER TINNY MILLS THE CLAW, It was just like being in Hollywood and seeing all the stars it was always sooooo exciting to watch the Crusher get his head put through the interview wall by an opponent and then watch him eat his cigar and yell WOH!!!

    Apple Valley, Mn (Pool 2)
    Posts: 352


    Apple Valley, Mn (Pool 2)
    Posts: 352


    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Sure glad I’m not old enough to remember all those guys along with the champion Nick Bockwinkle and Bobby ”the Brain” Henan. Even Hulk Hogan was here for awhile. You guys are giving your age away. lol. And whats an old man like Mike Smith doing up posting at 2:27 am? lol. I suppose the young pups like James and Dustin are probably wondering what the hec are we talking about. Sure brings back some memories. Thanks, Bill

    La Crescent, MN
    Posts: 2792

    Oh come on. your favorite has to be Jake “the Milkman” Milliman. The jobbers were truly jobbers back then.

    I went and saw AWA twice as a kid in Winona. Shook Andre’s hand, HOLY SMOKES was it big. I remember seeing Jerry Blackwell and “The Shiek” getting in a car together, who were enimies at the time. Kind of took some of the “real” edge off.

    Buck “Rock and Roll” Zumhoff was at Country Jam a few years ago.

    I met Curt Hennig at the Medina at a Mark Chestnut concert. He was kinda in Mr. Perfect mode. Maybe he was just like that all the time, I don’t know.

    Bay City , WI
    Posts: 4001

    My grandpa used to watch AWA all the time when I was little. I always like Wahoo Mcdaniels, Blackjack Lanza, Tito Santana, and Jake “the snake” Roberts but my favorite guys had to be The Road Warriors. I was so young then I’m surprised I even remember the guys.

    Gator Hunter

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    Anyone remember Ken Patera or Mr. Syito? (sp?) “Built tough like Toyota truck!” That line slayed me even as a kid!

    Ken Patera and I actually know each other. We worked together at the Hudson House while he was putting his life back together. Heck of nice guy! I haven’t gone to check but rumor has it there’s still a picture of us together in the workout area of the hotel.

    Can’t believe no one’s mentioned Andre the Giant! He was an old AWA guy. How about “The Olympian, Brad Reingans”? I’ve met before once too……… I had jalapino poppers and brewskies with him and Ken Patera at Brewbakers a few years ago.

    Working with Ken was fun…………other wrestlers came to see him all the time! If I hadn’t had a job to do, I would have met many more than I did, but I got to meet “The Weasel”, Jumpin’ Jim Brunzel, and Scott Studwell. Last I heard he was up in Cambridge…………. I should look him up for old time sake, maybe take him fishing!

    Crystal, Mn.
    Posts: 1268

    The Baron also owns and runs the little Knick Knack shop up in the town of Lake Goerge. Up by Lake Itasca during the summer, heck of a nice guy. If ever in the area stop by for a picture, he loves to talk about his wrestling days.

    Somerset, WI
    Posts: 1416

    Stopped by the Baron’s Knick Knack shop once, and chatted with him for a while about AWA. My favorite one was the Crusher. I could watch his interviews for hours. What a hoot. Sure wish I could watch wrestling with my kids now, but it’s basically adult entertainment.

    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022

    Classic Crusher with his keg over his shoulder and always taking about his wife Wanda. Do you remember his midget side kick Little Brook. Little Brook had a cane that he would whack guys with when Crusher was in trouble.

    Jerry Blackwell from Stone Mountain Georgia was a classic too. The Baron used to call him Fatwell..

    Jake the Milkman and Kenny J. The true martyrs of the AWA. They give the crowd the thumbs up when their name was announced only to get pummeled two seconds later.

    Posts: 760

    I think there was also a Texas Bob Gygle(sp) I remember going to KROC TV Station in Rochester on a Sunday afternoon and watching them. Wow! what a thrill that was for a young kid. I think Texas Bob wore a BLACK HAT!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    Was it the Crusher who “Hailed from Parts Unknown?” That was another giggler for me! The Crusher would “disappear” and no one could find him. Then, somebodied go out on a mission and find him in some cave with a bar stool and bring him back to straighten out “whoever”……………. Does anyone else remember this?

    Just a second…………….new graemlins………gotta see what they do………….

    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022

    The Crusher was from Milwaukee. His rival, the Super Destroyer who wore a mask was from “parts unknown” those masked guys freaked me out too.

    Tom S
    Woodbury MN
    Posts: 150

    Didn’t they also have arm wrestling matches? I remember Superstar Billy Gram and Chief Wahoo McDanial amr wrestling then getting into a brawl. Superstar was about to lose and smacked Wahoo over the head with a folding chair.

    Saw Nick Bockwinkle and Black Jack Lanza at the county fair along with a group of midget wrestlers. It was a lot of fun. Black Jack Lanza acted like he was goint to come after my brother and I.

    Can’t tell you how many fights with my brother started out as “wrestling” matches. Everything was all fun and games until one of us got the upper hand, then it was a free for all.

    North Central Wisconsin
    Posts: 459

    My favorites were “Mad Dog” Vachon. He scared the hell out of me too! The “Crusher” was a legend. Loved to to listen to him talk and say things like Des Moines or Illinois. He always pronounced the “S” and didn’t leave them silent like they were intended to be.

    Gotta give some props to “Scrap Iron” Skadaski as well. I dressed as him one year for halloween party in college. My buddy went as Kenny “Sod Buster” J.

    Devils Lake ND area
    Posts: 330

    I think you guys just about covered them all. I too watched them on KROC down in Albert Lea…Go Tigers in the state hockey tournamnet.

    I liked the Baron the best. …”Barrels and barrels of beer”.

    I just knew Jimmy “The Farmer” Blackwell smelled like hogs, Sheik Adanon El Casey smelled like BO and Adrian Adonis smelled like flowers.

    Andre the Giant made a few appearences too. Jumpin Jimmy Brunsell, Kenny “Sodbuster” Jay, Ken Patera

    Minneapolis area
    Posts: 199

    Crusher also tag teamed with his cousin “Dick the bruser” there also was a Polish strongman..can’t remember the name

    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022

    That was Krusher Kawolski.

    Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941

    Hey Guys..I know I’m probably a little more “new school”, but “TO BE THE MAN, YOU HAVE TO BEAT THE MAN…AND I”M THE MAN…WHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOO”

    Nature Boy Ric Flair was an ICON in his own right.

    S.E. Iowa
    Posts: 669

    Hey ,Its Ivan Putski ” The Polish Strongman” Then there was Bulldog Bob Brown, I am not sure if he was AWA or NWA. We use to watch on a small 10″ screen at 11:30 Sat nite when we were suppose to be asleep. We were bad boys !

    South St. Paul, Mn.
    Posts: 401

    Anyone remember Mad Dog’s sister Vivian?
    There were also 2 Russians that I think were Igor and Ivan. I saw them at the airport one day. They never talked much but smiled alot.

    La Crescent, MN
    Posts: 2792

    I remember when the Road Warriors were considered huge guys, and Hulk Hogan was an absolute monster. They would be just normal sized guys in today’s wrestling.

    SB – I went from AWA to NWA, with Flair, Dusty, the Freebirds, etc. NWA was actually alot better wrestling.

    Real “new school” – ECW was the bomb a few years back.

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057


    You guys really brought back some good memories!

    We (my older brother, dad, and even sometimes mom), would get home from church @ 10:30 on Sunday morning, just in time to watch it on channel 9. My sisters would complain, as my brother and I ruled the tv for that timeframe and mom would holler at us to come and eat our breakfast, but it didn’t matter how hungry we were, our eyes were glued to the screen.

    Those were good old days of wrestling. I remember one time when The Body threw a cup of beer in Hulk’s face. Good times!!! I also remember when Hulk body slammed Jerry Blackwell and also Andre too!!!

    My best friend grew up in Lakeville / Apple Vally. He was about 12 years old and got into a big fist fight with his neighbor. Well, the “Claw”, Baron lived just down the street. He came out and chewed out those guys for about 30 minutes, at how terrible it was to fight. He gave them a good lecture that I today, will not forget. I’m not a little guy (6’7″ @ a solid, healthy 300lbs). The Baron left a mark on me that kept me from fighting people to this day……

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