Couple more things you can try, if your skill level is up to it, you can remove the hard drive from the laptop, add it as a additional hard drive to another computer and run these removal programs. You need to access the hard drive without the OS running. I did this on a friends rig who stepped into some internet doo-doo.
Or, try here Bleeping computer forums
Will take some time and effort on your part to post logs and ask for help, community of geeks that can read what is going on when they look at the logs they will ask you to post. In a nutshell they will ask you to download and install to a thumb drive probably malewarebytes, spybot search and destroy, and kapersky’s AV (sp??) among others. It us a multisep approach bit is free save for your time.
Lotsa good info in all the forums at bleeping computer!!
Good luck!