I like fishing at Mill Ruins in the spring and people are constantly asking if I keep or eat the fish I catch there. I need to think of a good come back. Down there maybe just, “Absolutely, I do”, would work.
Any time I fish Mill Ruins, or any other spot on the river in the city, the questions are exactly the same from everyone:
“Catching anything?”
“What do you normally catch here?”
“What’s the biggest one you’ve caught?”
“Do you eat them?”
The best, though, was when a lady who was standing about 30 feet from me asked what kind of dog was sitting next to me. As there was no dog near me, I had to figure out what she was seeing. “Um… That’s my backpack.”
In keeping with the theme of the thread, though, I’d have to say that my favorite quote was from my Grandpa, as my cousins and I were getting ready to go fishing. My cousin said something about how his socks didn’t match, and Grandpa said, “Ah, he!!. This ain’t a dang fashion show. The fish don’t care what you’re wearing.”