Speaking of the game…

  • whiskeyandwater
    Posts: 2014

    So How is it with someone always pointing out this or that about an athelet no one is talking about what I think was hands down the most impressive part of the game last night.

    Wallace From the steelers bring the game with in reach on his 20 some od yard TD catch. How does he celebrate a Superbowl TD? a TD that puts the game well within reach of getting the ring?

    He acts like he’s been there before. He waves off the teammates that were about to come mob him, and just carries the ball down the sidelines, and is ready to go out and do it again.

    I could watch that again and again.

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361

    Yep, great play and Wallace kept his composure! They weren’t out of hot water yet and he knew there was work to be done.

    I have mixed feelings on the over celebrating call against the Pack. Of course it was the right call but, it did lite a fire under there butts at the right time

    There were a lot of great plays and drops on both sides. Very good game, especially for a cheesehead but, at no point were the Steelers really out of the game…that made for excitement down to the last play

    I will watch it again
    Been on NFL today watching the highlights.

    Southern Wisconsin
    Posts: 113

    I agree, definetly a game you could not turn off early. Great game by both sides.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 1547

    x2. Real class.

    Omaha, NE
    Posts: 362

    I noticed that too and at the time it happened I thought Wallace’s attitude might propel the Steelers to a late game tying score.
    I coached peewee football for 7 years and before the first game each year I told my players: if at first you DO success, try not to act astonished.
    My football hero, Barry Sanders, NEVER EVER celebrated on his many trips to the end zone. He simply, respectfully, tactfully simply handed the ball to the ref and allegedly said he’d be back again. That is class with confidence.

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