
  • jeff_jensen
    cassville ,wis
    Posts: 3051

    Watching a room full of tiny kids kickin their heals at half made it pretty good for us. Definetley Not “The Who” but what do old folks know

    Northwest Illinois
    Posts: 1251

    I hit the mute for the half time show, then it was fairly entertaining. Did turn it back up and heard Slash play, but muted again when the screeching started anew…

    Holmen, WI
    Posts: 3607


    I thought the Audio was terrible…was it my system?

    Who ever was running the board sucked. You could see it in the faces of the performers too.


    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 1531

    was that the Band from the “Fifth Element? ( Bruce Willis, 1997,126 M)

    what did that fool have on his head?

    it was the anti- Devo..

    Hey Brian, do you wear that plastic lid to attract big cat fish? maybe you can get your side to side depth finder to play the back right into your head..

    Posts: 1499

    Was 20 year old girl watching with us and she loved it,I drank beer in the garage.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    I started watching the Sopranos when they came to A&E, so I got a chuckle out of te commercial where they were all dressed in Jets garb. Nice Zubaz!

    Willy Wonka
    Forest Lake, Mn.
    Posts: 161

    I turned WCCO off first thing this morning when they started playing all the best commercials from last night. They were crap last night and gee, still crap today!


    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895


    Was 20 year old girl watching with us and she loved it,I drank beer in the garage.

    Kinda looked like the halftime show was geared to 15 year old wanna be gangsta rappa’s..I didn’t know they were football’s target audience???

    Yea, one of the worst shows I’ve seen.


    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 363

    The halftime show is never good. In fact, it’s almost always so bad that it makes me cringe. They could take just about any of my favorite bands, put them at midfield, and make me hate them. I expected the Black-Eyed Peas to be awful, and they exceeded my expectations.

    First- I hate medleys. Play the song from beginning to end, or don’t play it. I’m sure others disagree, but medleys bug the snot out of me.
    Second- How is it we can put a man on the moon, but the biggest TV event of the year can’t get decent sound for the halftime show? Not that it would have changed much, but you’d hear some junk the way it was meant to be heard, I guess.
    Third- Slash, what the heck are you doing? I’m sure you got some serious money to show up and play that little bit, but I will always remember you standing there with Fergie. I have lost a little respect for you, man.

    Halftime is for taking a leak, letting the dog out, refilling your cup, and getting some more nachos.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    I think every city should get the Super Bowl once if they have either a dome or decent weather.

    But, I see no reason to go back to Dallas with it again. Sure the stadium is big, but from beginning to end, that SB sucked (no reference to the actual football or outcome).

    They proved their winter weather is no better than ours, the sound system sucked, the NA singer botched the words, they had over a thousand people disrupted cause the fire marshall wouldn’t approve their seats (shouldn’t that have been done weeks ago?)

    Sorry, Jerry, no more superbowls for you!!


    Madison, WI
    Posts: 1090

    my 6 year old daughter who loves the Black Eyed Peas couldn’t even watch it… After seeing that performance, its amazing how Fergie even has a singing career.

    WC Illinois
    Posts: 878

    anthem and halftime a pretty sad reflection of the music scene these days. of course i am still living in the ’60s, music wise.
    aguiwhatever sounded like she was auditioning for american idol. chuck barris would have gonged her after this line … “What so proudly we watched at the twilight’s last reaming”
    and she even inserted it again at the o’er the ramparts line.
    and the peas … i never have understood how shouting, posing and posturing is considered music.
    nfl needs to get someone like jim cornelius who sang the anthem before nfc title game. strong, passionate, straightforward performance that had the crowd and players ready to rock.
    unfortunatly, after bears won toss, lovie chose to defer instead of having the packers kick to the best returner in history, packers go down the field and score and the rest is history…..

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