Under the radar but this guy has been a rock for 13 seasons. Hope he gets his ring, with the shots he’s endured, nobody deserves it more Donald Driver play of the year
February 4, 2011 at 12:01 pm
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Under the radar but this guy has been a rock for 13 seasons. Hope he gets his ring, with the shots he’s endured, nobody deserves it more Donald Driver play of the year
Good things happen to good people. Driver “willed” his way into the endzone on that play! In a world where we don’t have the same ideas of sports heroes as the past; Donald Driver fits the bill of years gone by.
I liken him to Chris Carter, but not as good. Love them if you got them, hate them otherwise. As a rival fan, I can’t stand him. He seems to come up big far to often for my liking.
He is getting long in the tooth, so the Pack better get him a ring this trip.
Yes, Driver has been with the Pack for some time, Clifton also, it would be nice to see them get a ring, but as with any game it will come down to who makes the plays and turnovers…
I liken him to Chris Carter
What an insult. He never perfected the push off like Carter, let alone the swollen head (and mouth).
Carter did have the push off down to an art, there is little doubt about that. Keep in mind the NFL wants scoring, so that is the least called penalty in the game.
That being said, Driver has spent most of his time in the middle of the field, I do not remember Carter finding the middle all that often.
Unbelievable!! Some of you Packer fans simply can’t take a compliment. And if you think Driver doesn’t have a mouth like Carter you are blinded by the green glasses more than I thought. Jeeez!!!!!
Look out in New Orleans when all these tears hit the river.
Kooty – I will appreciate the compliment as far as how talented Carter was. But there has never been a bigger whiner and you know it. I don’t know what you have been watching but Driver has NEVER ONCE whined about refs or others play in a post game conference or on field display. You might be annoyed by him pointing down field on a first down but after that back to huddle he goes and never a trash talked word. You are dilusional if you think the 2 are even close to the same personalities.
After Donald is done, he will be helping kids and charities and will never bring attention to himself. Unlike Carter who will let you know about all his good deeds.
talent is very much a compliment but I don’t know if I ever heard a bigger insult as far as quality of a human being. If you don’t know Kooty , then look it up.
that’s like saying Matt Burk was a complete jerk. I can’t believe anyone would ever see that in Driver. really, all Kool-Aid aside, Driver is as good a human being that has ever wore an NFL uniform, let alone a Packer uniform.
I should take my own advice, but can’t today. Never argue with a fool, he’ll bring you down to his level and beat with experience.
All I was trying to say, Driver is a great receiver. You’d think being mentioned in the same sentence as one of the best ever in the league would be a compliment. I hated Jerry Rice on the field, but I can still accept the fact he is the best. Even through my purple glasses.
I really feel bad for some of you Packer fans.
Carter was great, Driver is good. Thanks for the kind words. From one Packer fan…..
I’m just messin’ with these boys now. I’m sure you guys are wound tighter than a snare drum today. I would be anyway. Good luck this weekend!
again, on the field, Carter way better than Driver and thus a compliment. Off the field and on the field when not making a catch = insult.
And if you think Driver doesn’t have a mouth like Carter you are blinded by the green glasses more than I thought. Jeeez!!!!!
these were your words – suggesting Driver is every bit as rediculous as Carter was and still is. Not a dilusional Packer Fan. You were saying more than just on the field likenesses. NOT MY WORDS – YOUR WORDS.
And that is the point in this post I started messin’ with you guys. It was quite clear the original intent of my orginal post was lost on some. If someone could pass me the crayons, I’ll draw everyone a picture.
did I miis something? I was out getting loosened up with a few shots and beer chasers a man has to sleep you know!
If someone could pass me the crayons, I’ll draw everyone a picture.
I am trying, but it is just marking up my monitor.
Ha, I just wanted to try a DaveB…thought I might be able to catch a lip, but sounds like I got a gut hook
Kooty – I will appreciate the compliment as far as how talented Carter was. But there has never been a bigger whiner and you know it. I don’t know what you have been watching but Driver has NEVER ONCE whined about refs or others play in a post game conference or on field display. You might be annoyed by him pointing down field on a first down but after that back to huddle he goes and never a trash talked word. You are dilusional if you think the 2 are even close to the same personalities.
After Donald is done, he will be helping kids and charities and will never bring attention to himself. Unlike Carter who will let you know about all his good deeds.
talent is very much a compliment but I don’t know if I ever heard a bigger insult as far as quality of a human being. If you don’t know Kooty , then look it up.
Actually I did look it up and he wasn’t quite the angel as you make him out to be:
“The story of DONALD DRIVER, wide receiver for the Green Bay Packers, is one of the most impressive in all of sports. Growing up in abject poverty in Houston, Texas, Donald, his mother, and brother lived, at various times, in a U-Haul, out of a car, and on the streets. As a young teen, Donald used his intelligence, natural dexterity and quick hands to become an extremely effective car thief. He sold the cars to buy drugs, which he then turned around and sold for more money. He believes he stole up to thirty cars, and was only caught once.”
At least he got his act together or hasn’t been caught yet.
Ellis – You work for some media head? only telling the side of the story to help your point? He was 14 years old living in a back of a UHAUL then….. why don’t you share the rest of that wonderfull story about a great man??
The great stories in life are the ones where the kid just gets it and grows into a decent man. Not the stories about the spoiled OSU brat that becomes a D-bag.
YOu guys can rip on me or many of the Packers and be pretty much spot on but NOT DD. He is truely a great human.
Man wound a little tight are you? Some of you Packer fans don’t handle pressure very well, lets hope your team manages stress better or its going to be a long Sunday.
just a little bored and jumpy! ain’t mad at cha. dd is one of my favorites. or maybe I just love his initials.
And..if we wanted to dig up mistakes made in younger years Chris Carter had quite a fight with alcohol in his younger years. He managed to overcome that just as Driver did his mistakes. Maybe Kooty was closer to the truth than I thought
And since you guys haven’t seen this in quite a while…GO PACK GO!
Calm down, Joe. It’ll all be over soon, win or lose.
As a Vikes fan I always dreaded playing the Pack because of Driver. A threat every play.
“Calm down, Joe” if i had a quarter for every time I’ve heard that!
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