
  • Richard V.
    Somewhere over the rainbow
    Posts: 2595

    We faired the blizzard just fine. I was sent home from work early yesterday under protest, but I am glad the boss put his foot down. I was able to get home and clean up a little and my wife had to park her car in town so I was avaliable to pick her up PDQ.

    We got about 14-15 inches with winds of 30-35 mph. It is pretty calm this morning and a plow just went down my road. It was only about 1 1/2 hours late I already took my wife to her car, heck she made it to work at 6:30. I have to call into where I work at 7:30 to see if I have work, I hope they open but if they don’t I’ll have to go fishing.

    Be safe out there…

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    It feels odd that we in the Mpls area didn’t get anything while Madison an South were dumped on.

    Kinda miss it.

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764


    It feels odd that we in the Mpls area didn’t get anything while Madison an South were dumped on.

    Very weird! The Ariens is chomping at the bit, but I’m fine keeping her stabled.

    Ron Johnsen
    Platteville wi
    Posts: 2968

    Dumped is right BK had atleast 48 mph winds last night plus over a foot of snow but me & the new truck made it to work

    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895


    It feels odd that we in the Mpls area didn’t get anything while Madison an South were dumped on.

    Kinda miss it.

    Miss it????

    Your more than welcome to swing by next snowfall and shovel for me….hehe


    Posts: 281

    we got a can of Mother Natures top shelf woop-a##!!! 20″ 45+ wind .

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872

    Snowmageddon V2.4 hammered the Chicago area pretty good too.

    I have some family down there and they sent me this photo. Not looking too good.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Richard V.
    Somewhere over the rainbow
    Posts: 2595


    Snowmageddon V2.4 hammered the Chicago area pretty good too.

    I have some family down there and they sent me this photo. Not looking too good.

    Port Byron IL
    Posts: 413

    We really got hammered last night 14 inches of snow and 60 mph gusts. It is the first time in 22 years I could not get to work. The road in front of my house is still not open, we have a waist deep drift on the east side of are driveway and a head high one on the west side. Here are a few pics. As you see the feeder is a popular place this morning.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    I got the shoveling of the sidewalk and the drive done. I left for the store and the street wasen’t plowed and when I came back it was with 3′ at the beginning of the drive. I think conservatively we got 12″ as that seems to be the depth about everywhere. Lots of 3′ drifts between the houses and on the south sides. 4′ and 5′ from the plows on the corners and parking lots up too 8′ from the plows. I know from reports east of here they got it worse, I haven’t heard anything from the southern part of the state where they predicted 5″ or more in snow then what was predicted here. From what we got here and what they predicted Herb probably got pounded.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    You poor boys in the banana belt…. What you got yesterday was just another day in South Dakota/North Dakota/Minnesota.

    Glad it was you and not me. I’d had to call Ralph to come blow the driveway out.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    I figured that Kooty, its been 30 years since we got anything close to this.

    Illinois City, Illinois
    Posts: 40

    18″ of snow 60 mph winds 2 snowblowers 2 atv’s 1 tractor with bucket 4driveways 1/4 mile of lane 6hrs later we are done.

    John Schultz
    Portage, WI
    Posts: 3309

    5 hours on the ATV and I’m finally done. I had two drifts that were over my head and I’m 6’2″. Having 300 yards of road that runs east / west is not a good thing when you get 60 mph winds out of the north. Don’t need another one of those storms this year.

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