Chicago carp barrier defunded

  • carptracker
    Posts: 110

    There is a lot of the fisheries science in the following article from the Tribune that is not really right, to the best of my knowledge, but the fact that the Corps is bailing on the barrier is correct. We do need to get some kind of barrier in place and fast. The fish may not be up to the hyperbole that is spread about them here and elsewhere, but nevertheless they are bad business and there is a good chance that they could really take off in the Lakes, or at least in some parts of the Lakes. It’s better to spend the money now than to lose a big part of the fishery, or to spend the money later to try to minimize the damage. This is totally different from the first proposed barrier in the Mississippi, which would have been unworkable. This is a barrier in a body of water shaped like a box, that never floods, and that you can toss a rock over.

    U.S. officials yank fish barrier funding
    $4.4 million was promised for fence

    By Michael Hawthorne
    Tribune staff reporter
    Published March 4, 2004

    Federal officials have cut funding for a new electric fence to block voracious Asian carp from invading Lake Michigan, where biologists fear the prolific fish could rapidly spread and devastate all of the Great Lakes.

    Only 50 miles of water and a temporary electrical barrier on the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal stand between the lakes and the advancing carp, which took less than a decade to eat their way up the Mississippi and Illinois Rivers. The original electric fence, an experiment to determine if fish would turn back as they swam toward it, is expected to wear out by next year.

    Construction of a more permanent barrier in the canal was scheduled to begin this spring. Illinois officials agreed to provide about $2 million for the project, but $4.4 million promised by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers was eliminated in the agency’s budget. Now a bipartisan group of Great Lakes lawmakers is trying to get it back.

    “These fish are a disaster waiting to happen for the Great Lakes,” said Mike Conlin, fisheries chief for the Illinois Department of Natural Resources. “We’ve got to stop them here if we can.”

    Asian carp, which grow to an average of 4 feet and 60 pounds, meandered north to the Illinois River after escaping from fish farms during flooding along the Mississippi River a decade ago. Fish farmers in southern states had imported the carp to control disease and algae.

    The carp are a particularly threatening invasive species because they have no predators and aggressively crowd out other fish species. They can devour up to 40 percent of their body weight in a day, mostly by straining out phytoplankton, tiny creatures that provide the base of the food chain for native fish such as bass and walleye.

    When frightened by passing boats, the carp can jump up to 10 feet out of the water. Scientists who monitor the Illinois River tell stories of people who have suffered broken noses, neck injuries and bruises from encounters with the leaping carp.

    Officials fear the three Asian carp species–bighead carp, black carp and silver carp–could end up causing more ecological and economic damage than other invasive species that already have wreaked havoc in the lakes, such as the sea lamprey and the zebra mussel.

    “This is unacceptable, especially since all that is left to do is construct the project,” the entire Illinois congressional delegation wrote last week in a letter urging the Army Corps to finance a permanent barrier of electric cables across the canal.

    A spokesman in the corps’ Washington office did not return a phone call. Chuck Shea, project manager in the corps’ Chicago office, said he was told that funding for domestic projects was being cut back to provide more money for the corps’ work in Iraq and Afghanistan.

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