Passion of the Christ

  • Shane Hildebrandt
    Blaine, mn
    Posts: 2921


    I love Fords. Chevy’s suck. Please comment.

    (Classic diversionary tactic!)

    then please tell me why i have pulled more fords out of the ditch than chevy’s. I mean i know that everyone thinks that ford trucks rock. I just think that they are junk. i would rather watch my chevy sit and rust than take a ford on welfare!!!!! and that is my final answere.

    thanks for the chuckle.


    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    if there are more fords on the road.. then statistically there would be more in the ditch as well….. just plain ol numbers….

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Rivereyes…that would be true, but you’re forgetting about one factor that’s throwing that number off.

    It’s a know fact that Ford owners drink more (this maybe associated with making a poor decision, but further data is needed)thus, there are less Ford owners that can see the white lines and end up in the ditch.

    Once you buy a Ford…you are on the “Road to Oblivion”!

    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4547

    Hey wait a minute…I drive Fords and like to drink…oh wait, never mind.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    See what I’m talk’en about!?

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603



    Is this a good movie to see if someone doesn’t believe in God or Jesus? Don’t get me wrong, I’m not atheist, just skeptical. Too many religions out there. How do we know which one is right? Seems like what most people believe in is how they were brought up. I’m a non-catholic that went to catholic schools my whole life. I only went to mass or church when I had to. Is religion only for our inner selves? For example, some people really think they are better than others, even though they may not be, its what you believe in is what keeps you going.

    Ron Linder has his life story posted on the Angling Edge website. I was shocked to read what had gone on in his life. He turned to the bible to resolve his alcohol addiction and Al did as well when his wife got cancer. That got me thinking that is religion really just there for us to use as a form of self therapy? A person asked me one time, would you trust someone you have never met or talked to? I said of course not, he then said, do you trust God or Jesus? I couldn’t answer him back and still ponder that question today.
    I’m I making any sense?

    I pondered that same question when I was younger. If everyone believes what they’re taught, how does anyone know the truth? Thus, the quest of realizing I needed to look into many things and make a concrete decision for myself.

    I did discover some things that I disagree with my original church, but I’m not too far removed from anything that I would consider “core belief”.

    Here’s some of my discoveries:

    1. Christianity is the only faith (religion is really the wrong word because we’re talking about a belief, not a church) that prays to a living God. Buddha, Mohammad, Allah…………..they’re all dead, and believed to be dead. Did I want to pray to a dead God, or a living God?

    2. Which is more believeable? A dead God or Living God? According to Houdini’s promise to return to us if there was any possible way, I’m thinking that once dead, you are divided away from us and cannot return. This is biblically supported.

    3. What about those improbable stories? How do you explain a boat discovered atop the Turkish mountain, Ararat, mad of beaver wood, above the tree line and buried in snow most of the year? Without the invention of the helicopter, it is professed to be inaccessible………… how’d it get there and ………… dang if that ain’t biblically supported too.

    4. The biblical instruction is one of an all or nothing perspective in all things regarded as “holy”. It is consistant, without exception. Therefore, if the living God is “holy”, He is without sin. The 10 commandments list 10 things that are equally unholy and cannot not be a part of God. So, lying…………..being put on the same level as murder and theft in a spiritual relm, cannot be a part of His character. He spoke of breathing His words through the high priests of the tabernacle so that we’d have His word available for everyone, not just the high priests of the tabernacle. He couldn’t communicate directly because of impurity. Thus the writing of our creation, history, and instruction. He cannot lie. So if there really is a boat on top of a mountain, filmed and now documented by human standards, then the whole book has to be true, logically speaking.

    5. He is worshipped today by millions who deny Christ as the Son of God. In that faith, it also makes it the only one in which the Supremacy was never on earth. Although He was with us, He was never born of this world, living in this world, or of this world. There’s never been a “face” of God. Again, in terms of holiness, the same sources of information used for worship today also prophecied a Messiah throughout much of it’s chronology. It’s very well documented in Isaiah. That prophecy was fulfilled by Jesus Christ. To believe part, requires all.

    6. It’s the only faith that guarantees eternal life prior to death. All others hope on deeds and works here on earth to determine the eternal outcome and level of it. Bad news…………..if you can’t be told what’s going to do it before you die, how can you do the right thing?

    7. It says right in the book that any one who does not believe will not be able to understand His word, a.k.a. instructions. In other words, we will wonder………..and wonder……………and wonder………..never achieving total piece, only unrest and wonderment. I was in this state even after growing up with all the teachings of the Bible because I placed doubt and logic above trust and faith. Switching that around has done wonders!

    8. What about gravity? What about polar magnetics? I can’t see them either but I witness the effects of their physical presence everyday. Can I trust them? Absolutely. Are they unchanging? As and existing behavior, yep. We can devise methods to overcome obstacles it presents, but we can’t change what it is or what it does. Faith is that simple. We’re promised to be shown His presence if we diligently seek Him.

    9. Christianity the only faith that places sovereignty into a 3 part, God head. The Trinity. This concept is completely beyond human comprehension. If we invented it, the author(s) would explain it on a comprehensive level. This doesn’t exist and remains beyond our mortal comprehensions.

    10. We can’t create life and spontaneous generation has been scientifically disproven. We can reproduce life, but not create it. If this was true, we’d have rebuilt the dinosaurs and be cloning mummies. Once deceased, forever gone, biblically supported.

    As if this post isn’t long enough, I want to follow up with some other findings. Catholics have holes in their religion. As do Baptists, Lutherns, Methodists, Episcopaleons, Pentacostals, Jews, Mormans, Jehovah Witnessess, and so on and so on. Every “RELIGION” has a conflicting flaw in the the scriptural basis somewhere. These doctrines are mixed interpretations of varying scriptural cross references that create man-made Christian standards.

    This is why it is a FAITH matter. Your doctrine of choice is important and important in finding a church that fits your beliefs. I’m no longer in a “Baptist” religion. I had to change. I have friends that have done the same……..even more than once. It’s a journey…………a journey of faith that you must walk yourself. But it is important to find one and be among like-minded people.

    The big bottom line is if WE, the mortals, got it “figured out”, we wouldn’t need faith and FAITH is the requirement.

    So it comes back to…………… by the 10 things I discovered? Or by their alternatives?

    Science continues to prove that this planet cannot be a product of accidental development. No one wants to recognize God, but they are now saying “something” had to have a hand in this. I don’t want to second guess eternity so I’ve done my homework and made my decision.

    Can I be wrong about all this? Yep. But comparing the alternatives, it’s the best gig being offered and it has too much earthly evidence to not support it’s legitimacy.

    For all those who read all this…………..God bless ya! For those who skipped to the bottom…………God bless ya! For those who skipped entirely………….God bless ya!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Kid, I was waiting for your post.

    You forgot one piece…although you touched on it…True faith is believing with out seeing.

    And you drive a Chevy!

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2443

    Good post Kid! Once you’ve tried so many things that don’t work, why not try Christ? If everything being said about Christ is not true, you won’t lose anything. If everything being said about Christ is true, you will gain an eternity of joy and happiness beyond your wildest imagination!


    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Mike? Do you drive a Chevy too?

    Rochester, Mn
    Posts: 498

    Drive a Ford and you are in heaven during Life
    Believe in Christ and you are in heaven after life
    Now thats a combination you can not go wrong on.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2443

    Yes, of course! Chevy all the way……..


    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    *geeze*… this chevy vs ford thing is about as bad as the Nikon vs Canon chatter on the photo boards! Ok… sure I have a canon… they put out the best camera for the money at the time I bought it… and I have a chevy truck.. with a ford engine in it… hmmmm guess its a half breed…. but it was inexpensive and has been a low cost work horse…..

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239


    For all those who read all this…………..God bless ya! For those who skipped to the bottom…………God bless ya! For those who skipped entirely………….God bless ya!

    I like your style Kid
    and yes I read the entire post

    Posts: 57

    I went to the show of the Passion today. I grew up being taught that Jesus died on the cross for us. Today I witnessed the pain and agony that Jesus went thru for us. This is truely an amazing film. For once we can all say, “this is all about me”. because it is the true sacrifice.

    I have but one question for anyone reading these posts about the passion.

    If you were alive that day, where would you have been standing, or which one along the road would you have been?

    We are living our lives as though we would be spitting and taunting, or we are living as though He died for a reason.

    I for one will never forget what I saw today.

    Somerset, WI
    Posts: 1416


    I have but one question for anyone reading these posts about the passion.
    If you were alive that day, where would you have been standing, or which one along the road would you have been?
    We are living are lives as though we would be spitting and taunting, or we are living as though He died for a reason.
    I for one will never forget what I saw today.

    There is a series of books that have been out for a few years now that sort of deals with this topic. It is called the “Left Behind” series. It deals with what would happen if Christ had his 2nd coming in this day and age. It deals with the book of Revelations. There are as of right now 12 books in the series, or maybe 13, but they are very interesting. I suggest that if you are looking for some interesting reading to look for them.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607



    I have but one question for anyone reading these posts about the passion.
    If you were alive that day, where would you have been standing, or which one along the road would you have been?
    We are living are lives as though we would be spitting and taunting, or we are living as though He died for a reason.
    I for one will never forget what I saw today.

    Thats a very good question. A question that everyone needs to think about very seriously. Our eternal destiny depends on our answer.
    Thanks, Bill

    Fishing Machine
    Lansing, Ia
    Posts: 810

    Yes, This is truly a must see movie. Went to see it this past weekend with my daughter in Ind.
    I have always been a believer. But this puts the cap on it.

    Steve Hix
    Dysart, Iowa
    Posts: 1141

    Hey Fishing Machine, With all the fish you catch, I knew you had someone helping you.

    Posts: 255

    I just saw this movie, kind of puts things in perspective as far as what we do that we think deserves recognition or reward, or what we have done for someone that we may consider to ourselves to be a “sacrifice”

    Clark Co. WI
    Posts: 4

    My thoughts and beliefs on what the symbolism of satan carrying the baby is this: In Revelations satan is supposed to return first. Today there are people who believe they are still waiting for the First comming of Christ. Therefore they will be fooled into beleiveing (“Even the elect will be fooled”) satan is the Christ. Those of us who beleive Christ is the incarnation of God on earth can see satan holding “his baby” as to say, I’m comming to sit in your place. Remember, satan tried to have Jesus killed by Harrid at birth. The one thing I rest assured of in my faith is satan already lost his fight when Jesus was victorious at Calvary. Read Revelation 12.

    Clark Co. WI
    Posts: 4

    Blameing the Jewish community for Jesus’s death is like blameing the Germans for WW2. The Natzi party was the problem not the German people. They were led like sheep. Just like in Jesus’s day not ALL the Jews agreed with what the Pharisees did. Remember Matthew, Mark, Luke and John were all Jewish and Christ said, “The Jews are my people”. Like blameing Bush for loss of jobs. Clinton signed the N.A.P.T.A. agreement years before Bush took office. Also remember Christ knew what was to happen before even the Pharisees did because it was His plan.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    You will also notice that the Romans were a big part of him being crucified. The Romans represented the Gentiles. Who are the Gentiles today? The answer is us. In other words ”we” are the ones who crucified him because of our sins. Remember Jesus stated that nobody could take his life but he gave it up willingly for us so that our sins may be forgiven. The ”ultimate” sacifice was paid for us. Believe and you will be saved. So simple. Ask him into your heart today. You have nothing to lose [except your sins] and ”everything” to gain, ”Heaven.”
    Thanks, Bill

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