Passion of the Christ

  • dhnitro
    Markesan, WI
    Posts: 289

    Hey first seeing this thread pop up I was very hesitate to even read what was wrote..After all seems like someone always likes to bash religion. But I had to..and glad to see by what I read it was positive.
    I have not seen the movie yet and will buy the DVD when it comes out…but am glad to see the major of you guys have some kind of beleifs and are not afraid to admit it….Me, even though my Pastor asked my to signthe guest book every once in a while…I to am a Christian. Reason I won’t see the movie in the theater…is I’ll probalby ….
    oh well….
    And I would guess that if there is a non-believer or two out there reading this…maybe it will make them wonder…
    just my two cents…..

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    Do yourself (and family) a favor…see it on the big screen –

    If you’re worried about wetting a cheek…no one will notice.

    My 1 cent.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    Brian is right go see it in the theater you won’t be sorry, there is something about seeing it on the Big screen that you just can’t get from a DVD. You will not believe how silent it is when the movie is over, you could hear a pin drop.

    Hudson, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1890

    Like the Kid, I believe the one time Great Roman Empire traveled this very road we are on. If you put your ear to the ground you can still faintly hear their foot steps as they marched to oblivion. Apathy, hedonism, self gratification, a “whatever feels good” doctrine guided them to destruction. This prescription is still around and gaining in strength. The secularist proponents are organized and aggressive. The speed with which it gains in popularity is directly related to the complacency of the folks that do not subscribe to this philosophy. “Those that do not learn from history, are destined to repeat it” as some sage once said.

    Bay City , WI
    Posts: 4001


    “Those that do not learn from history, are destined to repeat it” as some sage once said.

    I believe it was Abraham Lincoln who said it.

    Gator Hunter

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Ecnook Bud, it shows how much Jesus loves you and how much he suffered just so your sins can be forgiven and that you may go to heaven instead of hell if you except what he did on the cross for you. And even if you were the only person alive he still would of done it for YOU. If that isn’t the greatest love of all I don’t know what is.
    Thanks, Bill

    Posts: 3681

    After reading all the posts here and seeing the talk of the bodily pain that christ sufferd for us i belive he would do it 10 times worse again and again!Its the pain in his heart for those that dont take him as there salvation that hurts him worse.Stuart

    Markesan, WI
    Posts: 289

    Steve and Brian…Think I will this weekend..Thanks..
    I know there is a fishing circut called this,,,,but indeed seems like we are all “fishers of men”…..

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I just don’t want to be thrown back!

    Markesan, WI
    Posts: 289

    I guess its a good thing in Heaven..the culling rule doesn’t come into play….

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    And God doesn’t practice C&R….

    Dave Koonce
    Prairie du Chien Wi.
    Posts: 6946

    Jiminy Christmas you guys, enough with the pm’s already….sometimes people judge you for something when you have no idea who that person is, just by a short two sentence reply to a dang movie…geesh

    Just because I didn’t care for the movie doesn’t mean that I don’t have a HUGE place in my heart for my Christian belief…

    I am well aware of what God had in store for his only son, Jesus, when he set him up to die on the cross for us….no matter how you put it in words it all comes down to the love the big guy has for us all

    Now enough of the pm’s,,,,i’m not a devil worshiper


    Bill you know me better than that (The 11th Commandment…thou shall not judge thy neighbor without knowing the whole story first)

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603


    This is perfect opportunity for this to BLOW UP. Just let it go………….. let it settle a bit. When everyone’s got a grip on the ‘flare’, I’d like to invite Dave to share with us what it was he didn’t like. I’m truly interested in knowing………….it’s information. Information I might find applicable and useful.

    Dave, if you would please be so gracious, I’d like to hear what you have to say, but more ‘in depth ‘. Not for argument, but for awareness and knowledge. There may be others who need to hear your take on this, that aren’t posting but still reading and pondering clarity.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    This may not be good for you Dave…but I knew exactly what you meant in your post. Nuts, if I thought anyother way…I’d send you a PM with the whole Bible (paraphrased of course).

    I’m with you, I didn’t like the movie either. Still would tell anyone that lent an ear to see it.

    So, I’ll shut up now.

    “The Passion of IDA’s Members”

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    Drop it guys.

    It is a good movie, and in general terms, fantastic, for it got the point accross.

    Discussing this is as dangerous as discussing politics via computer.

    The problem with writing, instead of talking, is that you cannot see the other persons expression of what they write.

    It has been a great thread!

    La Crescent, MN
    Posts: 2792

    I love Fords. Chevy’s suck. Please comment.

    (Classic diversionary tactic!)

    W Wisconsin
    Posts: 276

    I bought my first Ford last winter. It is a used 1997 full size conversion van with a v8. The check engine light has been on for about 4 thousand miles. Do you think that I should look at it or something. I mean it went off all by itself once for a little while.

    Rochester, Mn
    Posts: 498

    I would like to know how this thread got named THE ROAD TO OBLIVION.
    This thread was not named that to start with and should not be named that now
    whats going on.

    Somerset, WI
    Posts: 1416

    You can change the title of any thread when you reply to a message. It was done in this one in a reply having to do with the fall of the roman empire as it relates to American society today.

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057


    FORDS suck, chevs rule…….

    But atleast you are not a dodge fan, otherwise you would of “dodged” it all out of embarrassment!!!!!!!!

    La Crescent, MN
    Posts: 2792

    I thought about Mercury vs. Yamaha, or Ranger vs. Triton, or many others, but Ford vs. Chevy is just EASY pickings when looking to start an argument.

    Is it Ok to admit now I like the looks of the new Ram???

    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022

    Is this a good movie to see if someone doesn’t believe in God or Jesus? Don’t get me wrong, I’m not atheist, just skeptical. Too many religions out there. How do we know which one is right? Seems like what most people believe in is how they were brought up. I’m a non-catholic that went to catholic schools my whole life. I only went to mass or church when I had to. Is religion only for our inner selves? For example, some people really think they are better than others, even though they may not be, its what you believe in is what keeps you going.

    Ron Linder has his life story posted on the Angling Edge website. I was shocked to read what had gone on in his life. He turned to the bible to resolve his alcohol addiction and Al did as well when his wife got cancer. That got me thinking that is religion really just there for us to use as a form of self therapy? A person asked me one time, would you trust someone you have never met or talked to? I said of course not, he then said, do you trust God or Jesus? I couldn’t answer him back and still ponder that question today.
    I’m I making any sense?

    Rochester, Mn
    Posts: 498

    Hey Derek I know exactly what you mean myself I am very skeptical as well with all the different religions. and other things. but as far as your question goes I think going to this movie would be one of the best things to do to answere some of you questions and beliefs
    I felt the same way you did but after seeing this movie it will make you ponder on many things.
    I would reccomend to see this movie.

    Somerset, WI
    Posts: 1416


    I felt this way for a very long time. It is just so hard to comprehend that there is a supreme being that is always watching over us. I am Christian. I was brought up as one, and am bringing my children as Christians.

    When it came to my faith, I always had doubts. It was something that I couldn’t get my hands around. I have since come to accept that there is a higher power. I believe that God is real. I think that it is the same God that the Jews, Muslims, and Christians believe in. It’s the same God. We just go about it differently.

    Much like the Ford-Chevy debate. We need it to do the same things, they use a different tool.

    Now I’m the one who is worried about making sense.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2443

    I was raised as a Catholic and I’m not against the Catholic religion or any other true Christian religion. That being said, I also want to say that being a Christian is not about being religious. The truth of Christianity is having a relationship with the creator of the universe – Jesus Christ. Yes, a relationship or if it is easier to think about – a friendship. So the question is probably – how can I be friends with someone that I don’t know? The answer is this: accept the sacrifice Jesus paid for your sins – His death depicted in this movie, be genuinely sorry for your sins, and invite Jesus to be your Lord and Savior. Get into a good bible believing church so you can grow in your knowledge of who Jesus is and what He is about. You will be amazed at how soon you will have a relationship. You’ll be surprised about lots of things!
    I would be happy to discuss this off-line through PM.


    Steve Hix
    Dysart, Iowa
    Posts: 1141

    I just wanted to see how this subject changing thing worked.

    Steve Hix
    Dysart, Iowa
    Posts: 1141

    OK, I put it back.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    Here is another tip on changing the subject, when someone changes the subject of your post you do not need to manually type it in to change it back. Simply click on reply of one of the posts that has the subject you want to change it back to and you are good to go!

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Dave, if I jumped the gun so to speak and was mistaken I am VERY SORRY. It wasn’t mean’t to be negative. I was very concerned that a friend could be lost and became overwhelmed I guess. I was in a hurry as I had to get ready for work and saw your post and hopefully I took it the wrong way. You say you got alot of pms. Dave, take that as people here really carrying and being concerned for you. Its great to know that you have alot of people here who love you so much in a Christian way to care that much. Thats what motivated the pms. It just goes to show how important you are to everyone and the love that not only the Lord has for you but also all of us. I also didn’t like seeing the Lord beaten that way and it is a hard movie to watch but knowing why it was done and the outcome got me through it. It really makes you so very greatfull for that price that was paid for us. You are a very lucky man Dave as you have just seen that alot of people care about you so please look at this in a positive way. You have a caring family here too Dave besides the family you live with. That showned how much they cared and were concerned. I just hope and pray that you will understand the caring everyone has for you here and that you will forgive me for getting scared and jumping the gun. I’m sorry Bud. I just want you to be in heaven with me someday.
    Thanks, Bill

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