Passion of the Christ

  • nate-cadwell
    Rochester, Mn
    Posts: 498

    Hey Guys don’t know where to post this but I just wanted to let everyone know that this movie is a must see no matter what your beliefs are. I am not a really religuos person and I just took my dad to this movie tonight. and let me tell you it will truely touch you in one way or another. I still find myself in a state of mind I have never experienced my heart feels full and aching at the same time still shedding tears. this has to be the best movie I have ever seen. and I never would of thought a movie could honestly change a persons thoughts beliefs and emotions the way this movie has I am even taking my feince to it this week I would honestly watch this movie over and over. please if you have the time go see this movie it will honestly touch you deeply. Thank you dad for coming with me it means alot.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    I have not seen the movie yet but my sister inlaw saw it and sent this note to me.


    I went to see The Passion last night. It definitely is a must see. It is so powerful that I was actually stunned leaving the theatre. I couldn’t even talk about it right then. The main message I got from this film was the great love of our savior. Others have said they felt ashamed. I felt that too, but mostly, I felt God’s great love for us and the lengths he went to save us all. I hope you all get to see it soon. It is very difficult to watch, but I don’t think I will ever be the same after seeing it.

    Rochester, Mn
    Posts: 498

    I know exactly how she felt. and yes it is a very hard movie to watch but very well worth it I hope you all have the chance to see it soon as well.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    I think Nate has just read my mind and heart. I just got home and came on here to make the same post. This is a must movie to see. You can’t help but feel what a tremendious price the Lord made for YOU on the cross. The message is so strong. You will realize the great love that Christ has for YOU when you see this movie. It will change your life.

    It means the world to a father to see his child feel the way Nate does right now. The best gift a father could ever receive is to know that his children will be in Heaven someday with him. I hope and pray that all my friends [everyone] on this board will be there too someday.

    Thanks, Bill

    Dysart, IA
    Posts: 595

    I saw the movie Monday night, and completely agree with you all. It was an excellent movie and is one that everyone should see. I can easily say it was one of the best movies I have ever seen. I give Mel Gibson a lot of credit for making and releasing this movie through the controversy that surrounded it. I think after seeing it, a lot of people realized they were wrong about the movie and it didn’t deserve any of the criticism that it recieved.
    Again, if you haven’t seen it then go to it and see what quality film making is. And if you have seen it, go see it again…I know I want to.

    Posts: 788

    Gotta agree 100%. This is one powerfull movie that leaves the audience numb and in wonder at the same time. I would have to say that Mel has created the best film depicting the time of Christ ever made. You leave feeling so sorry that Jesus went through so much torture just to save you. FISHINFOOL

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057


    Thanks for posting this. I went last Sunday and wanted to post something, however I felt that maybe the staff wouldn’t appreciate it.

    This movie really moved me. It was an eye opener for me.

    Words can’t describe it in a whole.

    The impact that this movie had on the crowd, I will state simply………When the movie ended……..everyone just kind of sat there in there seats and didn’t move or say a word. You could of heard a pin drop.

    Everyone has seen all the previous movies on Christ. Yes, we knew he was whipped, crowned with thorns, and nailed to the cross. But the brutality was always dampered in the previous movies.

    This movie gives you the reality check of what really happened at the scorging, beating, and crucifixtion. It also gives you a true feeling of what Christ did for us, emotionally.

    You must see this movie.

    Please note, that this movie (in my STRONG opinion), is not for any child under the age of 15. You cannot explain to a child of what was done to christ. Not in this graphic content. Let your child watch the older Christ movies, but not this one!

    Again, thanks Nate for posting this. I do feel much better about life after watching this movie and also seeing this post.

    Somerset, WI
    Posts: 1416

    What about those of us who are very squeemish? I do have some issues with movies where there is a lot of blood. Are the depictions of this torture Christ went through as graphic as the media has been telling us? I want to see the movie, but I also don’t think I’d be able to handle all of the gore. I use gore for lack of a better term. For instance, I was able to watch Saving Private Ryan, but only at home and with a pillow that I would be able to put up in front of my eyes. My wife really wants me to go with her to see this, I don’t know…

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057


    Yes, it is very violent, but I think I safely say that all are taken in by the “gore” in a different aspect.

    It is hard to put into words…….

    But I strongly recommend that you do go. You won’t regret it by anymeans………

    Alma WI
    Posts: 875

    Like Gary said. The “gore” in this movie is nothing like that of “Saving Private Ryan”. This is more of brutatilty of what he went through. Excellent movie.

    I am very glad they did break away from the brutality to reflect back on his early days. It gave a person a break to absorb what was going on.

    I want to know what the symbolism was with Satan holding the baby was at the end meant?

    The mother vs. Son was very touching part.

    A must see movie

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057


    I want to know what the symbolism was with Satan holding the baby was at the end meant?

    Yes Jarrad, I too, question what that was suppose to represent?

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    I’m not a theologian but I’ll take a crack at this: Please keep in mind that the movie is SO moving that I may have my placement of that moment inaccurate but if I remember right, it was brought into view for Christ to see, right? If so, here’s what I’m gathering.

    In the book of Isaiah is the story of Satan’s fall from heaven. He stood proudly and boldly and proclaimed that in his great status amongst all the heavenly hosts, that he would be as God and rule over all. As the earth became Satan’s domain, God’s wrath over Satan and love for us brought His plan of sending the Messiah.

    Because the Messiah was God, yet in the form of a man, Satan knew that death was within the boundaries of possibility. Therefore, kill the Christ, kill God’s plan, and sort of a 1 down, 2 to go, in the greater scheme of overcoming and overthrowing the Holy Trinity. Thus Satan’s presence throughout the days of Christ.

    In order for Jesus blood to be the eternal sacrifice for our iniquities, He had to actually become sin and be forsaken by God the Father. If He could no longer be the Son of God in this sinful state, I believe Satan was trying to throw a statement in which the world, and the Christ/man Himself, would be in his grasp and we’d all be children of the damned.

    Now, Christ has power over life and death and once He had withstood the almighty wrath of God, purging us from eternal damnation, He arose on the 3rd day as prohecied, overcoming all of Satan’s temptations and stomping his head into the ground. It was a statement of absolute sovereignty! In the midst of prophecy, there was still nothing Satan could do to overcome the power of God.

    I must go see the movie again just to make sure I have my chronoligical orders right. The theory of the symbolism is just that…………but I’m going to be in a dialogue regarding the film over the weekend and I’ll also get the input of others on this.

    My greatest encouragement over this film is to pay close attention to the thieves that hung with Christ. One accepted him as the Savior and one didn’t. Their fates were completely decided at that defining moment. One voiced faith and acceptance………and he was promised “paradise”. The other…………….eternal condemnation. It’s the perfect symbol of our lives. We’re born to die and perish forever, but in the knowledge of Christ, we can accept him as Lord and Saviour, and be pardoned into paradise. The full scope was symbolized on Calvary and there to be shared with all mankind.

    I could go into a lot more but I do want to respect the space being given us here. But I do want to offer up private messaging to any and all who have questions or a desire to talk about this. Salvation is a critical matter in this life and cannot be resolved after we’re dead. Again, perfectly represented by Calvary.


    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    Thanks for the link Jon! That’s got a great possibility but I’m a little unsettled with the use of the word “likely”. So, I’m still going to ask this weekend if anyone’s had it explained by Gibson (he made the film, he should know what was meant by it) or what some other people may have found in their discussions or bible study cell group.

    My explaination above was just an idea of what it might represent because I really don’t know either. I’ve never read any verses that included that specific event so it left me unstudied, unprepared, and guessing, and I want everyone to know that because it’s not my intent to mislead anyone, even accidently.

    Thanks again for the link Jon!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Thanks to all of you that posted. I wasn’t going to this movie until it came out of DVD…because of all the hype. That is the normal sign of a so so movie. After reading your posts, I gathered up the wife and daughter and went.

    I’ve never experiance a movie that made grown men cry.
    We all recommend this movie to anyone…even if you don’t have a religion.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    My Wife & I went and saw this movie today, I also was very moved by the film. I also agree with everything that was said here, this is a must see movie. Makes me realize that problems in my life are not so big compaired to what Christ went though.

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    Back to the symbolism question……………..

    Over the weekend I heard a couple more interpretations but the bottom line is this: It’s a liberty that Mel produced into the movie with no Scriptural reference. Here is the symbolism as described by Mel Gibson himself.

    “Again,” said Gibson, “it’s evil distorting what’s good. What is more tender and beautiful than a mother and a child? So the Devil takes that and distorts it just a little bit. Instead of a normal mother and child you have an androgynous figure holding a 40-year-old ‘baby’ with hair on his back. It is weird, it is shocking, it’s almost too much-just like turning Jesus over to continue scourging him on his chest is shocking and almost too much, which is the exact moment when this appearance of the Devil and the baby takes place.”

    Dysart, IA
    Posts: 595

    Thanks for posting what Mel Gibson had to say about the symbolism of the “satan baby.” I hadn’t seen anything where he described that part, and it is nice to see what the person who made the film had to say about that scene.

    Lacrosse Wi
    Posts: 495

    We, my wife and cousin and his wife went and the girls were afraid of how bad it would be. They got through it ok. It’s a hard movie to explain, not really a movie more of “THE” event. If you don’t understand what Christ did for all of us after seeing that movie you never will. My hat is off to Mr. Gibson, he has to be a fisherman.

    River Falls, WI
    Posts: 317

    Just finished watching Joe Scarborough “spelling ?” interview Jon Voight (self-proclaimed catholic)on the passion. He indicated that he speaks for Hollywood in that Mel Gibson has a hidden ajenda and in a round about way indicates that he is anti-semitic…..I find this disturbing… infuriates me when liberal Hollywood tries to shove their points and views down my throat on what is right and wrong… They should step back and take a good look at themselves and what they have been promoting in their self-rightous movies in the past few years. It will be interesting to see if the Passion recieves any Oscars or if it will be to taboo…..even though I would have to say middle america is seeming to embrace the movie (in 12 days it grossed over 200 million). If you like or dislike the movie, it is your right to voice your opinion…….If anyone has read Mathew, Mark, Luke, or John, they would know it was the jewish communities pharises, scribes, Saducces and the high priest Caiaphas that handed Jesus over to be crucified. Christianity had not been established yet . To depict it any other way would be like taking the Germans out of WWII films just because it may insite anti-germanism. I know I may be out of bounds here….but I as a Catholic just want to point out my view.


    S.E. Iowa
    Posts: 669

    How about the Kid, he never ceases to amaze me. Well said.I hope to see it this weekend.

    W Wisconsin
    Posts: 276

    While visiting another MN fishing message board, a question was asked about how to save a marital relationship. I seldom post there but in this case I felt a need to reccomend finding a church and seeking help and relationships there. Boy was I blasted for that. This site on the other hand is occupied by so many good people, perhaps not all Christian but all tollerant of others beliefs just the same. I appreciate this and consider everyone here a friend because of it. This is great thread and I appreciate it being allowed here.
    My wife is out of town until Sunday, we will see the movie then.

    Shane Hildebrandt
    Blaine, mn
    Posts: 2921

    the whole marriage thing comes down to a few things. first, do they want help, and second, do they admitt they have a problem.

    as far as this site is concerned, I believe that we all have one thing in common and that is fishing. everything else is just an added character bonus. I know that since i have found this site, i have not gone anywhere else. I feel that there are people on them other sites that think they know everything and are not willing to help you out. I appreciate all members of this site, thanks for all the help in getting me better at the fishing game, but most of all, thanks for letting us speak our true feeling without being made fun of or put down.



    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603


    While visiting another MN fishing message board, a question was asked about how to save a marital relationship. I seldom post there but in this case I felt a need to reccomend finding a church and seeking help and relationships there. Boy was I blasted for that. This site on the other hand is occupied by so many good people, perhaps not all Christian but all tollerant of others beliefs just the same. I appreciate this and consider everyone here a friend because of it. This is great thread and I appreciate it being allowed here.
    My wife is out of town until Sunday, we will see the movie then.

    You will see in the movie, words I’m thinking you already know, but actually explain the blasting you received from the other website. It’s been prophecied, and reproduced throughout history. The America we love is strongly following the exact path of a declining Roman Empire………..expect history to be repeated. Today’s society is one of apathy and at that stage, we’re doomed to repeat it. And the more faith comes under fire, the closer we come to seeing that prediction fulfilled. It’s nice to try and blend and show respect of differences but there comes a time to stand up! Complacency is the nibbling that will one day eat an elephant.

    big dad
    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 238

    Already being a believer, I was especially shocked at how incredibly moving this movie was. Add my vote – it is a “MUST SEE” And as others have mentioned here, it was almost eerie how silent everyone was at the end. I venture to say 90% of the people that were there the night my wife and I went never spoke a word until they were completely out of the theatre. I can’t explain why, but I feel that those of you waiting to see it until it comes out on home video will miss out on some of the impact. I say this even though I am the worst – this is only the second movie I have attended at a theatre in at least 20 years.

    Michigan's Upper Peninsula(Iron Mountain)
    Posts: 4749

    This thread has moved me almost as much as the movie. WOW! You will be hard pressed to find such a great bunch of guys not afraid to express their beliefs.
    Yes Jarrad as a Christian I was also touched by the pain of Mary…something that I was not expecting to be as powerful on my heart. “Knock and the door is open”…”Ask and you shall receive”


    Rochester, Mn
    Posts: 498

    Hey Guys just walked in the door from seeing this movie for the second time now. I took my fience to it and let me tell you seeing this movie once is not enough you would be suprised how touching it is the second time around and how much more you catch the second time around you do not even realize some of the small meanings in the movie the first time. I can not stress it enough if you haven’t seen it see it if you have already seen it go again it is well worth it. I know I will be going atleast one more time to take the guy I work with.

    Dave Koonce
    Prairie du Chien Wi.
    Posts: 6946

    I saw the movie with my wife, I didn’t care to much at all for it.

    Boy they tore the [Ooops, did I just say that out loud?!] out of that guy

    Posts: 1699

    Excellent movie!
    I don’t buy very many movie DVD’s,
    but when this one comes out I’ll get it.

    Who do you think is most effected by the movie?
    People raised in a church, and intimately familiar with the story,
    or folks thats have never internaly rationalized the story before?

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    You’re right Dave!
    Just like Stillakids cooked sheaphead isn’t it? Not for everyone…
    Knowing you the little that I do Dave, I would bet, that even if you didn’t like the movie, you will remember it…. and yes they did and they did again and…

    I have a question for Woolybugger…


    While visiting another MN fishing message board,

    There’s another MN fishing message board?

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