this story just ran… not good, not good at all..
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this story just ran… not good, not good at all..
I thought it was confirmed up by Thief River almost 5 years ago ???? And more recently, near Ashland ??? Is anybody else seeing a story , or just the little blurb ???
big G
wow, i grew up and hunt in PIne Island and still live within 15 miles. One of my friends was a previous owner of the elk farm and has always had deer going in and out of that fence. sounds crazy after seeing the high fence but the deer can jump it….. i have seen it several times myself. when deer were found in the fence tags were issued too harvest the animals “by any means possible” three deer were harvested last weekend from the fence. This is very disapointing too here there will be a possible kill off of this deer herd. our land is about 10 miles exactly from this fence i hope and pray we dont have a kill of there we have been working for years to get a good population of mature bucks in our area and it has started too work in recent years too have all this thrown down the tube would be devistating. on another note does anybody know if the deer harvested in this kill off if there is one, can be consumed its not like we eat the brains or spinal cords? i hope soo because if they do what they did with the elk herd i would be willing too bet not many hunters or land owners will be okay with this…. they killed and burned hundreds off elk in a proccess with witch they fridgerated the carcuss off the animal sent the head too be tested if the animal was possitive the carcus was shipped to the UM for further testing (3 carcus’s went this direction) the hundreds of animals that tested negative were taken too an incinerator too be burned then burried. WASTED THOUSANDS OF POUNDS OF MEAT! that could of been used for the poor for the hungry or hell for dog food i dont care instead it was used for nothing. this is a very very bad thing that may happen in SE mn. im scared of what will happen here……
Welcome to Wisconsin’s issue’s
Hope your DNR handles it better than ours did/are.
Welcome to Wisconsin’s issue’s
Hope your DNR handles it better than ours did
Yea, Shoot em All.
Welcome to Wisconsin’s issue’s
Hope your DNR handles it better than ours did/are.
I own land in Richland county, WI. After everything I spent on creating my paradise…..I’m lucky to get to see a deer on there now
We also hunt Richland Co by Hub City.
We don’t see the numbers (bucks and does) we use to but the number and quality of bucks went way up with earn a buck.
The wife and I hunt in Richland county also just by Yuba a few miles to the east. This year I saw more deer than ever.
What cwd means to me…no more raw spinal cord or raw spleen fondu partys.
The one in Ashland was on a deer farm and once further testing was done by the lab in IA it was determined to not have CWD, thank God.
deer get sick just like people. colds, cancer, disease, this happens to all mammals. cwd has been around forever. if you shoot a sick lookin deer, dont eat it. and as people should already be doing, cook venison thourougly. you can eat a turd if you cook it right.
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