James, when you were spending time on P4 did you notice any below the dam?
Seems to be more and more each year.
Last year was the first time we had Pelicans hanging around the Y down to Everts..that I’ve seen.
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » General Discussion Forum » One Cormorant from Oneida Lake
James, when you were spending time on P4 did you notice any below the dam?
Seems to be more and more each year.
Last year was the first time we had Pelicans hanging around the Y down to Everts..that I’ve seen.
James, when you were spending time on P4 did you notice any below the dam?
Seems to be more and more each year.
Last year was the first time we had Pelicans hanging around the Y down to Everts..that I’ve seen.
Some cormorants but never in any huge numbers and mostly in the fall.
I think this would work well.
The Auto Assault-12 (AA-12) is an automatic 12-gauge shotgun that can fire 300 rounds per minute and is recoilless!!! Bad Bad Gun
I dont know what I would use this for but I want one really bad!!
Never been snow goose hunting I take it. Can I get one by the end of Feb.?
I’m not sure the next bird in line has the same capabilities as a Cormorant. I’m all for a season to assist Mother Nature in thinning the flock.
I meant another cormorant behind it
Nah, you don’t have to help mother nature. The cormorants will regulate their numbers once they have eaten enough fish to reduce the food base to where it cannot support their numbers.
I would also realize that there will always be one behind them ready to take their place.
If they’re lined up… might I suggest a higher caliber round?
That is insane
Open season along with Pelicans
wooaaa I draw the line with Pelicans. They still seem pretty special and I dont see them everywhere.
A pelican can woof down a 8 to 10# fish with out even thinking about it.
That is insane
Open season along with Pelicans
wooaaa I draw the line with Pelicans. They still seem pretty special and I dont see them everywhere.
Lake Osakis! However they are a nice indicator on where to start fishing.
It sure is a bummer…
anybody know why they congregate on some lake like Leech and you don’t find them on others at all (Mille Lacs)?
Habitat. They require an island with trees and the absence of human activity for nesting. If they nest in trees on the mainland they suffer heavy predation from fox, cats, racoons and coyotes. There’s not much ground meeting those requirements on Mille Lacs. Apparently there’s more on Leech although I’ve never seen where they nest so it is only an assumption.
IMHO I think you are spot on regarding the island habitat. It seems to me that I have heard that they use Pelican, Little Pelican and Gull Islands on Leech…
You have any idea where Oneida Lake is located???
There are larger numbers of Pelicans nesting on the lower end of pool 4. Have been for ~last five years and each year their numbers grow.
Maybe if we could teach the pelicans to eat cormorants and cormorants to eat pelicans, things would be ok?
Maybe if we could teach the pelicans to eat cormorants and cormorants to eat pelicans, things would be ok?
The gingham dog and the calico cat tried that. It didn’t work out.
You have any idea where Oneida Lake is located???
New York state north of Syracuse
We have a ton of those in a small metro park that has been set up for families to spend the summers there. I am not supposed to but the one time that I ice fished there I caught more 8-10″ bluegills and 3# bass through the ice than I have ever seen. They regulate where you can fish so heavily in the summer that they have created the ultimate fishery and don’t even know it. This was three years ago, now, I can’t catch a 3# bass to save my life and the gills are gone. Just the 4-5″ potoato chips. The cormerants wern’t there three years ago. It is a sad thing. I think that they should have a season on them but how do you do that in a metro area, slingshot?
i have to beleive that there is not a season on them because they are unedible, why would they have paid sharp shooters shoot them if they could have waterfowl hunters take them for free?
We have a ton of those in a small metro park that has been set up for families to spend the summers there. I am not supposed to but the one time that I ice fished there I caught more 8-10″ bluegills and 3# bass through the ice than I have ever seen. They regulate where you can fish so heavily in the summer that they have created the ultimate fishery and don’t even know it. This was three years ago, now, I can’t catch a 3# bass to save my life and the gills are gone. Just the 4-5″ potoato chips. The cormerants wern’t there three years ago. It is a sad thing. I think that they should have a season on them but how do you do that in a metro area, slingshot?
I’d blame the cormorants too with their practice of only eating the big fish and throwing the little ones back.
I think this would work well.
The Auto Assault-12 (AA-12) is an automatic 12-gauge shotgun that can fire 300 rounds per minute and is recoilless!!! Bad Azz Gun
That thing is terrifying.
thats a duck and goose hunters wet dream!!!
I’d blame the cormorants too with their practice of only eating the big fish and throwing the little ones back.
I think a combination of both speed and larger caliber would be required. Maybe something in a short mag.
I’n thinking that this would make a great IDO GTG on Leech. I’m pretty sure we could make a big dent in the bird population.
Good idea. We could also lobby Congress to change their status. See them flying Carnivores all over, even small ponds in the Suburban Twin Cities. We need an open season on these things.
Can ya get close enough to hit them with a good pellet gun?
That would probably solve the in the metro area problem, and give you something to do while your waiting for the bobber to go down???
Now to get get a open season on them..
I think a combination of both speed and larger caliber would be required. Maybe something in a short mag.
James, kick it up a notch. A 7MM STW.
I think a combination of both speed and larger caliber would be required. Maybe something in a short mag.
James, kick it up a notch. A 7MM STW.
There’s always the Barrett 50 cal..:)
A pelican can woof down a 8 to 10# fish with out even thinking about it.
I got proof of that in an email last year.
A pelican can woof down a 8 to 10# fish with out even thinking about it.
I got proof of that in an email last year.
Witnessed about 75 pelicans start on one end of a backwater pond loaded with gills. They slowly swam back and forth, corraling the gills to one end, and then they all dropped down there heads at once and gorged
I asked my neighbor, who is a Fed. warden, about these destructive birds but his claim was that they feed on shad primarily. Yeah, Riiiiiight!! Does enforcement really believe we are that naive? Never seen a single shad in those backwaters the entire fall but did see hundreds, if not thousands of panfish massacred in an hour
Open a season, no limits!
You have any idea where Oneida Lake is located???
New York state north of Syracuse
Thanks, T Ellis, I live in Oneida County, it has an Oneida Lake, didn’t think we were talking about this area, but ya never know…
I love it.
“I like being out fishing and enjoying nature unless nature is doing something I don’t like. Then we need to get rid of that part of nature.”
At least it isn’t wanton waste…I mean the birds eating, not shooting them.
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